Hombres y Misterios

Rough Writers
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2016

This is a clean snippet of a very rough draft of this story, written in Rough Draft, an app for getting your ideas out.

I wrote this story in response to a visual writing prompt from an amazing Illustrator & Designer of book covers, logos, and other creative works, Willow Raven. The visual writing prompt can be found on her website, here.

Temple of the Raven Sisterhood, from Willow Raven

At long last, there was silence.

Silence is theoretically an impossibility; there can never be a pure absence of noise. There is always something happening. There will always be a pair of molecules colliding, a stray atom smashing into another, even an electron jumping orbits around a nucleus, to create noise.

Silence is an abstract, meaningless idea conjured up by humans. It describes only a level of noise that we cannot discern, with our un-evolved and blunt auditory organs.

But for Raven — as it is for all forced to endure a childhood of war , strife, and struggle — silence is simply a relative term.

Up here, so far in the sky…

Read the rest of this draft in all it’s rough glory at OnlyRoughDrafts. But beware: after 25 views, it will disappear!



Rough Writers

Skeptical, never cynical. System thinker. Founder. Mentor. VC. Husband. Father. Friend. Aspiring hacker, and struggling artist.