Busyness is the enemy of spirituality

Casey Hunt
Roughly 100
Published in
1 min readApr 19, 2017

I recently heard this little idiom in passing, “Business is the enemy of spirituality.” I suppose its intention is that by occupying our time with frivolities or items of little substance, we don’t afford ourselves the time to consider something much larger than the considerations of everyday life.

In part, I think I agree with the sentiment. Carving out time to be mindful, to meditate, to contemplate, and most importantly, just be can be incredibly therapeutic and often times cathartic. I don’t agree with the supposition that busyness alone is a deterrent to spiritual pursuit.

At the risk of controversy, I submit that faith can sometimes be the enemy of spirituality. Doctrine and dogma ask a seeker not to question, but to take, on faith those things that are best discovered on one’s own. It is the quest for truth that one finds the highest spirituality.

It is in our moments alone to wonder that we find our greatest truths.



Casey Hunt
Roughly 100

UX Designer. Front-End Developer. Gamer. Writer. Above all- nerd.