Selling Fiction

Casey Hunt
Roughly 100
Published in
1 min readApr 14, 2017

In some capacity, everyone, every day, must sell fiction. Whatever your job, from exotic dancer to graphic designer for an ad firm, you are selling a story to someone. Maybe a client, maybe a friend, maybe a customer.

Fiction is the currency of our culture.

Imagine the movies or books you love the most- likely fiction. The products you feel most compelled to buy- because there is a fiction around owning that product you want to make real. The family you wish to have with your partner- a fiction you’ve created in your mind about an idealized life. The job you are striving to get promoted to or go back to school to get- fiction of a better life if only you had a better job.

The best advice I was given was from my car salesman mother who said, “Everyone needs to learn to sell. It’s a necessary skill — everyone needs to sell themselves at some point.”



Casey Hunt
Roughly 100

UX Designer. Front-End Developer. Gamer. Writer. Above all- nerd.