Wedding Culture

Casey Hunt
Roughly 100
Published in
1 min readApr 15, 2017

In the spirit of full disclosure, I and my partner eloped rather than have a “big wedding.” The reasons behind this decision were many and varied but chief among them was a shared distaste for what can only be described as the American Wedding Culture.

It’s not the culture of celebration, selfless happiness, and taking pleasure in the joy of someone else’s day that people proclaim. The very values that this culture purports to hold dear are the very values that get thrown out the window on day one of wedding planning.

Financial exploitation, quid pro quo, unrealistic expectations, and a false establishment of tradition surround the Culture of Weddings in this country. How we got here is pretty well documented but it’s not something I wish to participate in.

The decision to couple for life is a decision made between two people — in my opinion, this is something that should be between those two people.

For the ceremony, just be yourselves, and be alone. You’ll thank me. Throw a party later.



Casey Hunt
Roughly 100

UX Designer. Front-End Developer. Gamer. Writer. Above all- nerd.