Teresa Lee
Round Hill Ventures
2 min readAug 30, 2022


Round Hill Ventures leads Kterio’s $10 Million funding round

Newspaper headlines these days all have clear interconnected themes. Heatwaves due to climate change have set new record temperature across the world. The energy crisis is reaching a new high with governments putting in caps or offering rebates to citizens to help with the cost. Political fights about oil and gas exports or water cutbacks. The need for help in tackling climate change and all the affects of it are obvious.

That’s why I’m excited to announce that Round Hill Ventures is leading a $10 million funding around in Kterio along with Brighton Ventures. Kterio’s proprietary Building Digital Operating System (B-DOS) platform is designed to digitally manage commercial and industrial buildings, allowing owners and managers to better manage their building assets, and significantly reduce operating costs and support ESG initiatives.

Dashboard image from Kterio

Kterio reduces operational costs of buildings

By monitoring building operational costs in real-time and with automated triggers, Kterio can reduce energy usage by up to 15%. In a pilot with six hospitals, Kterio reduced annual equipment running costs by 23% and maintenance costs by 30%. From an environmental perspective, they also reduced carbon by over 7,000 tonnes.

Round Hill Ventures will leverage our real estate connections to support Kterio’s growth.

RHV is excited for the upcoming growth of Kterio and believe they will expand quickly in Europe and North America. We will introduce Kterio to our real estate partners and assist with their expansion beyond their current footprint.

Congratulations to Chris, Mark, Joe, Robin, and the Kterio team! We’re excited for the journey ahead.



Teresa Lee
Round Hill Ventures

PropTech VC — late-seed to Series B companies touching the future of the built environment. Passionate about real estate, start-ups, travel, and sustainability.