I’m Krista Kuwamura, Principal at Callison Elementary and This is How I Work

We want to thank Lifehacker.com for inspiring us to bring the HIW series to public K-12 education. Our series features teachers, principals, and other Round Rock ISD employees sharing how they get the job done both at work and at home. Click here to learn from Lifehacker’s series of interesting subjects.

Recently we had the opportunity to interview Neysa Callison Elementary Principal Krista Kuwamura and get to know how she is successfully managing her first year as a campus principal. Prior to her principal position, Kuwamura has served as a teacher at Cactus Ranch Elementary before moving to Assistant Principal at Caldwell Heights and Callison Elementary schools. You will need to read the interview to see what other interesting jobs she held prior. Let’s get to know her a little better.

Location, where do you work?

Callison Elementary

Current Gig:

Campus Principal

Current Mobile Device:

iPhone 6

Current Personal Computer:

Macbook Air

One word that best describes how you work:


What apps/extension/software/tools can’t you live without?

My Google Calendar both on my phone and my computer. I refer to my calendar several times a day, I literally cannot live without it!

What’s your workspace/office like?

My work space is very traditional for now. I’m a minimalist when it comes to decorating my space. I have a few basic decorations that I’ve had forever, they’ve just traveled with me from office to office. I have these cougar statues that I added to my office when I moved to Callison. They belonged to my father when he was a principal and I think it’s pretty cool that I have them now. Go Callison Cougars!

Well said

What’s your best time-saving trick/life-hack?

Google Apps for everything! My Google drive is filled with Google docs, sheets, forms, etc. I love using Google docs to send out and collect information. It’s instantaneous and collaborative. I don’t have to wait for papers to come to me, because it is all right there!

Besides your phone and computer, what gadget can’t you live without?

My Apple TV! I barely have time to watch regular television, so I watch everything on Netflix and stream it straight from my Apple TV.

What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Dunkin Donuts Coffee and a Blueberry Donut

What are you currently reading?

I’m currently reading Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization.

Are you more of an introvert or extrovert?

I would consider myself an extrovert. I love to talk and laugh. I was that chatty kid in class that you could move to any table and I would find someone to talk to. Unfortunately, as an adult that hasn’t changed much!

What’s your sleep routine like?

Sleep? Maybe I’ll have a routine by June.

Fill in the blank. I’d love to see _______ answer these same questions.

Brooke Bailey (Assistant Principal at Pond Springs Elementary)

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?

I can’t think of any specific advice I’ve received, but someone I learned from and admire is Vicki Crain. She truly develops leaders on her campus through distributive leadership. I compare so many of my processes and systems to hers, and I think that’s a good barometer to measure myself by!

Callison Elementary has been thinking differently about its spaces recently.

What other interesting careers/jobs have you held?

I’ve done it all. I’ve been a lifeguard, sold shoes, waited tables, and sold books at conferences. The last one is how I found my first teaching job. I was at an educational conference set up in the vendor hall when a school principal approached me. We started talking and she found out I was a certified teacher and she offered me a job!

If you were not working in education, what would you be doing?

I was obsessed with the X-Files growing up, so I always wanted to be an FBI agent. I loved the “Solve It Yourself” mystery books and wanted to be Nancy Drew. If I wasn’t working in education, I think I would be the real Dana Scully minus the aliens.

Is there anything else you want to add for readers?

I love working in Round Rock ISD and am extremely excited to be named Principal of Callison Elementary School. We have some exciting things happening here and I can’t wait to see Callison’s story unfold.

