Route 1 Audio Hot Pick Of The Week

Kieran Wilson
Route 1 Audio
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2016

It’s that time of the week again and we’re back with our favourite tracks for this week. With music from the likes of Scratcha DVA, TQD Mikey B and more keep reading to find out more about the tracks we’re feeling right now and why you should be too!


If you’ve not been paying attention and have somehow managed to miss the latest release from Scratcha DVA in the HI:EMOTIONS guise then I suggest you finish reading this, get yourself a copy and listen in the dark the way Scratcha created this album.

I can only describe this as a boundary pushing listening experience, after my first listen it made me rethink what I thought I knew and the way I interpret sound. This isn’t the kind of album you can just track hop your way through, it deserves your full undivided attention and needs to be heard from start to finish.

Peach Bits Vol.1 — Sorrow/Zha/Lington/OH91

A full on squarewave bass assault on this one!! Any one of these tracks will shut down any dance. Sorrow’s ‘Screwface’ & Zha’s ‘Levels’ do exactly what they say on the tin, cause screwface and set levels!

This is a must for any Grimehead, check the release out below.

TQD — Vibsing Ting

This one has been floating around for a while doing damage curtesy of TQD and a release has been highly anticipated, I know a lot of DJ’s that have been waiting patiently to get their hands on it.

The wait is finally over, the trio have decided to release the track as part of the #SaveFabric compilation which is set for release today. All proceeds go towards helping Fabric to fight their legal battle and hopefully get the doors open again so go purchase and support!

Mvkeshift — Stay with me (ft me)

Last and by no means least in this weeks selection. Something a little more chill to wrap things up.

Now I’ll be honest I don’t know much about Mvkeshift, I literally stumbled across this track by chance while I was trawling Soundcloud recently. It found it’s way into my likes where I’ve had it on repeat ever since. I’m looking forward to hearing more from Mvkeshift, don’t be surprised if you see more from Mvkshift in this segment in the future.

