Which DAW? Ableton of Logic?

This is Monkixx
Route 1 Audio
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2016
Ableton or Logic?

So last night I was recording a podcast with Ncomfortable [Due to be out on 7th November 2016]. We got speaking about which DAW we use and how he switched from Logic 9 to Ableton and it got me thinking!

I have been toying with the idea of switching from Logic 9 to Ableton 9 many times recently, but always seem to stay in my comfort zone and load up Logic. I never updated to Logic X as I really don’t like the look of it, yes it has some nice features that aren’t in Logic 9, but Ncomfortable said it best on the podcast “it’s really just Garageband Pro”. I thought for a second and realised, actually it genuinely is.

“it’s really just Garageband Pro”

Left: Logic X // Right: Garageband — Can you spot the difference?

Apple have made these look very similar with the Logic X update back in 2013, but are they looking to discontinue Logic in the near future? It is nothing new that Apple have really taken a back seat in the Music production business over the last couple of years, and have not been as innovative as they could be with the new updates within Logic. That has allowed others to overtake them. Ableton on the other hand have been nothing but innovative, by listening to producers needs, making controllers work seamlessly with the DAW and changing the way we create electronic music. Working horizontally has been the only way to work within a sequencer/DAW until Ableton came along and allowed us to work vertically too, and it works. Apple haven’t grasped the concept that artists and producers want to utilise production software for live purposes too. Though many use Logic when performing live, it doesn’t even come close to the flexibility Ableton has.

Now all of this is coming from a die hard Apple Logic guy, I have been using Logic since I was at University and love it, but when looking forward I can’t see that being with Logic. If they bring out a new update in a couple of years, will I go with it? More than likely not. I don’t like the new user interface, the updates will probably be minimal and it will be a long wait? Do I see myself going forward with Ableton? I would say yes. They seem to always add something substantial to an update, more and more producers are making the switch, which makes collaborating a lot easier, also with the likes of the Push and other MIDI controllers coming out with new and creative ways to make music without using a mouse, it is much more appealing to me. The question is how and when do I make the jump from Logic 9 to Ableton 9?



This is Monkixx
Route 1 Audio

Producer // DJ // Label Owner // Podcaster // Design