Notebook for logging films

37.2 a month

Chris Campbell
Routine Maintenance
2 min readNov 1, 2014


My goal for the last few years has been to see, on average, a film a day. It’s part of my routine, so instead of watching tv or the news, it usually means watching a film. At this point it is a habit that is very solid and established and last week I reached the goal with a couple of months to spare.

With a relatively large collection of DVDs (almost 400 at this point), I could just rewatch the films in my collection to reach the goal, but I like the idea of seeing mainly new films to broaden my cinematic knowledge. The great thing is that there always seem to be more great films to see, so it doesn’t appear I will be slowing down any time soon. In the back of my mind I now want to break the 400 film mark for the year which shouldn’t be that big of a challenge.

One of the things I really like about Letterboxd is the year to date feature that collects statistics for years where you have watched and logged films. To be more complete I worked through old blog posts and your.flowingdata logs to record films from previous years, so I have at least a partial record of the films I’ve watched going back to 2006. Over the past few years the record is complete with all of the films viewed which yields statistics that are interesting to me.

Up to this point in 2014 I’ve watched 372 films which translates into 634.3 hours of films. That’s an average of 37.2 films a month or 8.5 films a week. In terms of the breakdown between things I’ve seen and haven’t seen it leans towards the new with 35.8% being films seen before and 64.2% new films.

Just watching the films is good, but sharing a bit of what you’ve thought about the films is even better, so over the past few months I’ve been trying to write more short reviews of what I’ve watched. Looking back at my old blog posts I saw that I reviewed a lot more, so I reposted those to Letterboxd and in that process it gave me the little push I needed to start writing a bit more about those films.

I like my film habit.

