iPhone, Meditation, Oatmeal, Coffee

Chris Campbell
Routine Maintenance
2 min readJan 11, 2015


The clock radio is my backup. I wake up every day before it goes off. For some reason my internal clock works quite well. On the rare times that it hasn’t been set I’ve awoken around the time and checked it and noticed that it wasn’t working. My iPhone is in the charger on the clock radio and that’s the first thing I touch, reaching back without looking and bringing it to me.

Unlocking it with my thumb, the first thing I do is my first report in Reporter for the day. Then it is in to Twitterrific to scan through to see what is happening. It’s 5:30, so it’s too early to check for cancellations of school where I teach, but if there was a storm in the forecast I’ll check the weather and road conditions to see if there is a chance of staying home or needing extra time for the drive.

Then it’s out of bed and I set out my meditation cushion and small singing bowl and go in to the kitchen and fill the rice cooker with oatmeal and water and get that started. Then I set out the Clever coffee dripper, fill the kettle with water, and weigh out the coffee beans and place them in the grinder. Then it’s back to the living room and I sit on the cushion, hit the singing bowl three times and meditate for a few minutes then sound the singing bowl three more times. I turn on the kettle to boil the water. Then I do 10 sun salutations followed by some pushups. Then I lay out the Wii Balance Board and fire up Wii Fit to weigh myself and record it. I fill a bowl with oatmeal, add vanilla yogurt, and set it aside to cool as I grind the coffee beans and add the water.

While the coffee brews I take a quick shower followed by filling the travel mug with the coffee and eating my oatmeal. A morning tweet is sent (usually mentioning the oatmeal and coffee) and then I pick out some clothes and get dressed. The laptop is packed up and my lunch is taken out of the fridge and I get my coat, my keys, and figure out which podcasts to listen to on the way in. Then in to the car for the hour long commute to the city and my day is underway.

