Two lovely women

Leah Reich
Routine Traveler, Expanded
1 min readMar 15, 2013

sit side by side. Both blonde, although one much blonder than the
other, by a hairdresser's hand. Each wears her hair up. The woman on
the left wears a beautiful blue and white coat that makes me wish I
were better at recognizing patterns and identifying them by designer
and place in history, or at least period. It appears to be fruit,
large apples or pears, with leaves on them, all attached, but it does
not feel entirely mid-century or totally Marimekko. There is something
very graceful and slightly more gentle about it. The woman on the
right wears an elegant jacket that has maybe an 18th Century feel to
it, with a small straight collar and buttons up the arm. These buttons
are open to reveal lace cuffs that spill forth. She wears delicate
gold earrings that have little drops on them, both old fashioned and
slightly exotic in nature.

Oddly, they both wear absolutely terrible shoes.

