How I found my fitness rescue in indoor rowing

Jonny Qi
Rowing Hero
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2017

For many months, maybe even years, I was pretty much in agony regarding my physical activities, or actually lack of it.

By nature I’m a quite lazy person, and my work mostly involves around computers and sitting at the desk, so this problem of not getting enough exercise was becoming a huge problem for me.

I use my mind a lot and I could see how things are going out of balance. It doesn’t matter how clever you are, if you don’t sweat out regularly that piled up negative energy, you want be able to succeed in anything.

There were several good attempts. I had almost two years regime with swimming, spending almost every day at least 20 minutes in the pool, doing laps. But I have to say, I didn’t like the chlorine part of swimming, and slowly I was put off.

I tried running, but very soon I realised that I’m simply too heavy for such activity (205cm, 110kg) and that my joints will suffer.

I also tried doing some type of exercises at home, but enthusiasm drained out rather quickly, although I had pretty good results.

I needed to find something which is entertaining, competitive and success is easily measurable.

After trying all kinds of exercises I had a gap of maybe a year without doing anything, except walking to work and back, ca. 40 min a day, and bit of cycling. I felt pretty crappy, sluggish, and emotionally unstable. I felt that my upper part of the body is getting really weak, while my legs were always quite solid, due to regular walking. I needed something for my upper body, that is also gentle on joints. I think officially they call that a low impact exercise.

So one day, on the way back from lunch, I remember very well, I was feeling pretty low, and my wife wanted to check one shop. I hate shopping, unless I have a particular goal, cruising around the shop is for me a total waste of time and utterly borring.

I forced myself to go in, just to please my wife, and within few seconds I noticed some interesting fitness equipment, from a very niche fitness company called NOHrD. The name of the shop was Manufactum, in Hamburg, and they have all kind of stuff, from food, kitchen stuff, and everything in there was very cool and unique. I was rather impressed.

Moment later I saw a Water Rower, standing up.

I have to say, that was a love on a first sight. It was a beautiful thing and wanted to buy it straight away. But I managed to control myself, went home and did some research, confirming something that my wife was saying for many years, that rowing is one of the best type of exercise one can get. It has very low impact on joints, and training involves more than 80% of muscle groups.

That was it. Next day I went there again with a car, and took it home. Actually in my office, right next to my desk. The thing is so beautifully made that I really don’t mind seeing it all day.

After first try, I was once more reassured that this is the type of training I want to dedicate myself to.

That was end of January 2017. 8 weeks later I’m still enjoying it, didn’t miss a single day, and I made over 150km during this period.

In future posts I will explain in detail my experience, and struggle with indoor rowing. Maybe I can inspire few more people to join me in this wonderful sport.

