My first 10.000 meters rowing under 40 minutes

Jonny Qi
Rowing Hero
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2017

When I started with rowing, sometimes in January, one of my main goals was to row 10K under 40 minutes. 10K is extremely challenging due to its length. 40–45 minutes of constant rowing, making sure that your pace and strokes are on the path to reach your goal, can be rather monotonous.

In 8 weeks of rowing I tried 10K only four times. Usually I would wait for an inspiration, but is also important that my schedule is clear, to avoid sudden disturbance, either from family or business calls.

I would also watch my food extra carefully on those days, making sure that I don’t eat anything heavy few hours before.

Before my last attempt, my best result on 10K was 40:59, so just shy under 41 minutes. My initial goal for this race was to do better than that, maybe 40:30.

I knew to achieve that I would have to keep my intensity between 2:00 to 2:03 per 500m. Water Rower has a very handy display which shows you intensity in a real time.

I also used my new 800/200 strategy. I would row 800m moderately, and 200m sprint, so I would need 10 of these cycles to complete the full 10K distance. Easy!

First 3.000 meters were rather easy, I kept my intensity level on 2:01. At 5.000 meters I realised that I’m only few seconds above 20 minutes, so I’m almost on the track to go under 40:00, with little bit of push. Problem is, I had to do second half slightly faster than the first half, while my mind is already telling me to stop.

This was the key moment, I had to decide, should I chase 40:00, which means that I would have to keep this crazy rhythm for another 20 minutes. Or I could use this gained time and take it bit slower for second half, and just improve my old record, go for 40:00 next time.

But very quickly I made up my mind, I’m going for 40:00, and it’s going to be hell of a ride.

I did another two rounds of 800/200 and then realised that I don’t have much strength left for more sprints, so I decided to lock myself in to one rhythm, hoping I can make it to the end. I saw on a display that my stroke rate was 27 per minute, so I decided to keep it that way, no matter what.

One thousand meters before the end I realised I’m 10 seconds faster than what I need. That gave me huge boost of confidence, and I rowed into the finish line with full speed. There was no energy left in me, my heart was bumping on 165, I could barely lift myself from the machine.

Then end time? 39:44. I totally killed the old record, 1 minute and 15 seconds faster. Incredible.

Hands down this was the highest level of exercising I ever did, and the feeling was fantastic. I love 10K, especially because it takes a lot of preparation, physical, mental and dietary, to go for the best result possible.

My next goal is 39:00. From what I saw in Water Rower community, the best ones are doing 10K for 32 or 33 minutes. I doubt I could reach that level. For something like that one would have to dedicate self fully into training, probably several hours a day.

I’m a hobby rower, who just wants to improve health and general wellbeing, I do not feel the need to compete with the best, only with my current self.

I guess my end goal for 10K could be 37 or 36 minutes. That would be quite tremendous, especially knowing how much fitter and healthier I would have to be to row with such intensity.

Fun times ahead.

