Automate Your HubSpot CRM From Within a Spreadsheet

Nadja Beneš
Published in
5 min readMar 28, 2019

You can now connect your HubSpot CRM to dashdash, and use our custom functions to access and update HubSpot data from inside a spreadsheet cell. Combine your favorite business apps in dashdash while automatically creating and updating Contacts, Deals, or Companies in HubSpot!

Use integrations like Google Custom Search of LinkedIn domains to find the CEO/VP of Sales/you name it of a list of companies; to find their email address; Crunchbase to search for companies with a certain funding round in your city; Slack, SendGrid, or email by dashdash to create alerts for your team or send highly-targeted emails, including HubSpot data as variables in your message content, and much more.
Build your custom lead generation tool and directly send new leads to HubSpot!

Once you add the HubSpot integration to dashdash, you can interact with HubSpot’s REST API without writing any code, but just by using the following functions:

    This function searches for HubSpot Contacts, Companies, or Deals.
    This function retrieves HubSpot properties on Contacts, Companies, or Deals based on their HubSpot ID.
    This function edits properties of HubSpot Contacts, Companies, or Deals.
    This function adds HubSpot Contacts, Companies, or Deals, along with custom properties.
    This function removes HubSpot Contacts, Companies, or Deals.

How to integrate HubSpot with dashdash

You can integrate HubSpot with dashdash in 3 simple steps:

1. Log into your HubSpot CRM

2. Connect the HubSpot integration in your dashdash account

Now, head to your dashdash account and log in. Then, navigate to Integrations in our dashboard and search for the HubSpot integration. Hit Connect, and voilà! You’re now able to pull HubSpot data into your dashdash spreadsheet.

Connect the HubSpot integration in your dashdash account

3. Create, update, or remove Contacts, Deals, or Companies by using our custom functions

Let’s imagine you’ve generated leads in dashdash using the Google Custom Search and integrations, or simply imported a lead list that you’ve received prior to a big conference. Now you’d like to add those leads as new contacts to your HubSpot CRM — but only if they don’t exist already.

3.1. Search for your Contact

Create an app in dashdash, insert information about your leads, such as first name, last name, company, URL. Then, use the next column to search for your contact in HubSpot:


The data explorer in cell F2 returns the search results from your request. If you click on the window toggle next to {data} , you can crawl the information directly from within the data explorer and parse any data points you need.

3.2. Check if your Contact already exists in HubSpot

In this example, we’ll parse for the variable is-contact in order to check whether the contact already exists in our CRM.

There’s two ways to parse data from the data explorer ({data} in F2).

  1. Simply look for the data you need in the data explorer, click copy next to it, and paste the copied formula into the desired cell
    (Tip: Use the Search function (Cmd + F) to look up objects).
  2. By using the formula G2 = PARSE(F2,"['contacts'][0].['is-contact']"). If you’d like to parse for other objects like unique conversion events, last engagement on social media, or number of page views, simply replace
    ['is-contact'] with the appropriate object from the data explorer. Be sure to respect the nested structure where applicable, like so:
    = PARSE(F2,"['contacts'][0].['properties'].['num_unique_conversion_events']")

Once we parsed the variable is-contact into G2, we will obtain true if the contact already exists in HubSpot, and #N/A (error) if the contact hasn’t been created yet. To make our cell output more intuitive for this scenario, we’ll add the IFERROR function to our formula used to parse in G2:
G2 = IFERROR(PARSE(F2,"['contacts'][0].['is-contact']", false)

Whenever we encounter an error — and hence the contact doesn’t exist yet in HubSpot — the output in G2 will be false.

Check if your Contact already exists in HubSpot

3.3 Add Contact to HubSpot

Now, depending on whether your contact already exists or not, you’d like to add them to your CRM.

To add a contact, use the following function in H2:

H2 = ADD_CONTACT_HUBSPOT(C2,D2,"company",A2,"website",B2,"email",E2)

Caution: Make sure that the property titles you add in the function above (such as "company" , "website" , or "email" ) correspond to your contact properties in HubSpot. For example, if you defined the property "URL" instead of "website" in your CRM, this needs to be reflected in the function above.

To add the contact only if they do not yet exist in HubSpot, we will have to make a small addition to the function in H2:

H2 = IF(G2=false,ADD_CONTACT_HUBSPOT(C2,D2,"company",A2,"website",B2,"email",E2))

Add Contact to HubSpot

Great! Only if your contact doesn’t yet exist in your CRM, dashdash will add it as a new contact, along with the properties you specified.

Similarly to this example, you can search for companies or deals in HubSpot, check if they already exist, and add them to your CRM. And you can do so much more!

We can’t wait to see what you’ll build with HubSpot in dashdash :)

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