Find the Right Prospects and Track Investments in a Spreadsheet

dashdash launches their Crunchbase integration

Nadja Beneš
7 min readAug 7, 2019


You really love Crunchbase, but you would’ve loved being able to access data about innovative tech companies and investments from within a spreadsheet even more?

The dashdash Crunchbase integration lets you do exactly that: Discover new prospects and stay updated on your leads; identify and track companies in your target industry; research investors and monitor competitors; or find the next big tech trend — all that out of a spreadsheet cell and without a monthly subscription fee!

Since Crunchbase is part of our Instant Integrations, you can access their data using only your dashdash account — no need to set up an account with Crunchbase. Simply access Crunchbase data right away in dashdash!

Ready to start building?

Follow this how-to guide or check out our video tutorial and build your first Crunchbase app in dashdash!

Connect to the Crunchbase integration

To use the Crunchbase integration, you first need to connect it to your dashdash account. Head to the Integrations Marketplace, find the Crunchbase integration, and hit connect!

If you haven’t already, add a payment method to top up your dashdash Wallet. The prices of each function (which make a request to the Crunchbase API) are documented on the integration page. Starting from $0.02 per request, you can use Crunchbase data in dashdash.

Discover the right leads

Use Crunchbase in dashdash to identify new prospects and build lead lists. You can track down companies based on criteria that you define, such as employee size, category, location, funding type, investors, and more.

Depending on your search parameters, you can retrieve a list of company names, including, amongst others, their domain, founding date, short description, category, employee range, email, postal address, total funding amount, funding rounds, or founding team.

With our custom-built functions, you can find companies…

a) by size

With COMPANIES_BY_SIZE_CRUNCHBASE, you can look up companies by employee size, category, location, and founding date.

Find companies by size with dashdash & Crunchbase

b) by investor(s)

You can use COMPANIES_BY_INVESTORS_CRUNCHBASEto track down companies with one or more specified investors. If you enter the names of more than one investor separated by commas, you will get companies that either investor invested in. You can also filter by last funding date, last funding type, or location here.

c) by funding

COMPANIES_BY_FUNDING_CRUNCHBASEgets you companies by funding based on the last funding date, last funding type, last funding amount, total funding amount, and if needed, a location or category.

Find companies by funding with dashdash & Crunchbase

d) by event attended

COMPANIES_AT_EVENT_CRUNCHBASElets you retrieve a list of companies that are attending or have attended a certain event. Here, you can also filter by the company’s employee size and location.

Stay updated on your leads and monitor competitors

If you’d like to stay updated on your leads or monitor a specific competitor, you can use the function COMPANIES_BY_NAME_CRUNCHBASE.
Simply enter the company name and location if you like.

Find companies by name with dashdash & Crunchbase

Invest in the right people

Companies led by founders who were previously employed at a very successful company might be a good indicator of future success.

Use COMPANIES_BY_EX_EMPLOYER_CRUNCHBASEand specify the companies’ location, founding date, and the names of one or more companies that their founders previously worked at, for example, “Google” or “Uber”. If you enter the names of more than one company separated by commas, you will get the companies founded by alumni of any of these companies.

COMPANIES_BY_FOUNDERS_WITH_EXITwill get you a list of companies with founders who were previously employed at a company that exited. Provide the companies’ location, founding date, exit amount, and exit date.

Find emerging industry trends

Keep track of funding activities within a specific sector with our function SECTOR_FUNDING_CRUNCHBASE. Specify the last funding date, the companies’ location, and category to get a list of companies, along with their domain, founding date, short description, category, employee range, email, postal address, total funding amount, funding rounds, founding team, and more.

In addition to that, you can also retrieve the total funding amount that was raised in this category, as well as the total valuation of all companies post-funding in this category.


With any of our custom-built functions, you can filter by additional search parameters:


For locations, you can enter a country (“United States”) or country code (“USA”), state (“California”), region (“Greater Los Angeles Area”), or city (“San Francisco”).


For dates, you can use the < (less than) and > (greater than) signs to search before or after a certain date or year (“>2016”).

Please note that you need to at least specify a year. Then, you can specify the month and day if needed. A specific date range works, too, e.g. “[2018–01–01;2019–03–31]”.

Company and investor names

Names of companies and investors need to match their respective names on Crunchbase so that you can retrieve accurate results.

Funding types and categories

For funding types and company categories, make sure to use the values that are recognized by Crunchbase.

Find the full list of available funding types here. Feel free to also use the > (greater than) sign to search for a certain investment stage or later (“>series_a”).

Find the full list of available company categories here. You can also enter a category group.

Both lists are also accessible from within the Function Helper in any dashdash app.

Optional parameters

For functions that have multiple optional parameters, you can skip any of the parameters by adding commas and leaving the parameter blank.

For example, if you’re using the COMPANIES_AT_EVENT function and you only want to retrieve a list of companies that attended a specific event from a certain location — no matter how big the company is — then simply skip the employees parameter by adding commas and leaving it blank, like so: COMPANIES_AT_EVENT_CRUNCHBASE("INBOUND 2018", ,"Boston") .

Mapping out data

Once you’ve generated the list of companies you need, you can easily map out their information in one of the following ways: by using the functions INSERT_DATA, OVERWRITE_DATA, or UPDATE_DATA.

With all of these data mapping functions, make sure you first parse the entire data set (or JSON object) of companies into a cell (here: cell E1). Then, refer to this {data} cell and select the headers of the table you want to send the data to.

Our entire data set sits in cell E1

Use the INSERT_DATAfunction to create a data log. You choose the data you’d like to fill into the table, and create the headers of the table accordingly. The function will then take the {data} cell (or JSON object) and instantly map out the information inside the object matching the selected headers.

Whenever you make a new request to get a list of companies, it will keep adding new rows to the bottom of the table’s pre-existing ones, creating a data log.

The INSERT_DATA function in E2 adds new rows to the bottom of the table

OVERWRITE_DATA lets you work with the data of your last request only. Instead of adding new rows to the list, it will replace any pre-existing cells below the target header with new data following every execution of the function. Be cautious not to overwrite any data you want to keep! Just copy-paste it to another app view beforehand. 😉

Finally, UPDATE_DATA helps you keep an updated list of companies. It inserts the data from a {data} cell (or JSON object), but it also takes a list of keys, such as the company domain for example, which become the reference values to match with. The function will then check if there are any changes in the data relative to the key in order to decide if new data will be added or just updated.

This is particularly useful if you’re building a company tracker to stay updated on your leads or competitors, or on all the companies with a certain funding in your industry, and just want the data to update periodically.

Avoid multiple charges with buttons

Our Crunchbase functions are charged per request. This means that you get charged every time you execute a function. That’s why we advise you to add an action element like a button that controls the execution of the function to avoid multiple charges when making changes to the input parameters.

Create a button to avoid multiple charges when making changes to the input parameters

Take your lead gen process to the next level

You’ve identified new prospects with Crunchbase? Great! Now combine your app with our other data enrichment integrations like Hunter, Pipl, and Clearbit, or send your leads directly to your CRM using our integrations with HubSpot, Pipedrive, or Zoho.

Happy prospecting, tracking, and investing! 🤓

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