The Role of Quantum Computing in Manufacturing

Holly Shaw
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2024

Technological advances have emerged from Industry 4.0, but quantum computing will take the fourth industrial revolution to a whole new level. Although it’s still in its infancy, researchers and business leaders are already exploring the potential role of quantum computing in manufacturing. Among the first benefits to be revealed are its ability to resolve convoluted optimisation issues and enhance the value of simulation. One of its most important features is the power to refine supply chain management.

What is Quantum Computing?

Quantum computing is the application of quantum mechanics to computer science. Standard computers process data sequentially, in bits (binary digits), either on or off, 1 or 0. Qubits (quantum bits) are no longer confined to a binary system, as they can exist in multiple states simultaneously. Quantum computers perform complex calculations using quantum phenomena like entanglement and superposition, which makes them incredibly fast and efficient. As a result, quantum computing can solve problems that standard computers can’t even begin to cope with.

Why do we need quantum computing? Because new developments demand new ways of tackling the new challenges they pose. In computer science, the computational challenges of Industry 4.0 and our connected world are beyond the power of standard computing. Quantum computing helps tackle these challenges more accurately and efficiently by unlocking the ability to solve more complex problems.

What’s The Advantage of Quantum Computing to Manufacturers?

Quantum technology can be transformative in manufacturing. One of its significant benefits is in the optimisation of your manufacturing operations. Quantum algorithms can be applied in various areas, such as factory flows, vehicle routing and supply chain configurations. Using powerful quantum computers means you can streamline processes, improve efficiency, and significantly reduce costs.

There are several ways in which these benefits can be derived:

Machine Learning (ML) and AI

Applying machine learning (ML) to quantum computing brings significant advantages in manufacturing. Quantum algorithms can be designed to detect production anomalies, enhancing fault detection and quality control. This will result in greater efficiency in all your manufacturing processes and more excellent product reliability. ML is also particularly valuable for predictive maintenance, where it can improve equipment maintenance schedules and predict future repair requirements.


Quantum computing could have a significant effect on product design. Many manufacturers already use computer simulation to assist with product design and diagnostics. However, standard computer simulations have the potential to accumulate safety margins, which can result in product weight differences. Applying quantum computing to simulations would increase precision and accuracy since more detailed parameters could be included. These might incorporate calculations for every component, including system loads, paths, vibration parameters and noise.


You could optimise the manufacturing of individual parts and their impact on the whole system. This would help reduce the likely impact of accumulated safety margins, reducing costs without forfeiting overall system performance. Quantum computing can even perform simulations on a microscopic scale, such as chemical reactions or the behaviour of molecules.

Quantum computing will significantly impact computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Manufacturers in sectors like automotive, transportation and aerospace can leverage quantum simulations to create precision models and analyse fluid flows around various vehicle types. This would help to optimise their aerodynamic characteristics, performance and fuel efficiency.

Supply Chain Optimisation

Quantum computing could be an essential addition to your digital supply chain toolbox. It’s capable of optimising entire supply chain networks, however complex. It considers multiple factors like demand fluctuations, inventory levels and transportation routes. Big data analysis of this information can offer new ways to reduce delivery times, minimise costs and improve overall efficiency. It could also optimise vendor ordering, reduce lost sales and use dynamic real-time decision-making to improve logistics.

The Potential of Quantum Computing in Manufacturing

The above are just some of the first benefits derived from quantum computing. In conjunction with Industry 4.0, this technology could profoundly impact design, control and quality assurance.

We’re still in the very early stage of the development of quantum computing — what experts call the “Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ)” phase. This stage of development offers small-scale devices for practical applications, using just a few hundred qubits, and they’re still prone to some error rates. However, technology is evolving rapidly, and experts predict significant progress in quantum computing in the next decade, with the production of more robust and reliable machines.

Quantum computing will offer significant benefits, but this technology has a downside. As always, developmental steps bring simultaneous advances in criminal threats, impacting current encryption systems. Quantum computing could break current encryption codes, threatening our current systems of mobile data, IoT, e-banking and e-commerce. Researchers are developing encryptions that will be proof against quantum computer attacks to combat this.

The Future of Quantum Computing

Quantum computing offers a vast potential to the world, including manufacturing. Researchers are working on universal quantum computers that are error-corrected, more significant in scale and able to run any quantum algorithm. This opens up a wealth of possibilities, like developing room-temperature superconductors, sourcing new materials for renewable energies and addressing the convoluted challenges of climate change.

Manufacturers could leverage ML to optimise all sorts of processes, with quantum algorithms transforming their operations. You’ll be fostering innovation, reducing costs and improving efficiency. Instead of concentrating on quantum computing as a threat, you must focus on its revolutionising power for your operational processes. Explore its potential applications, stay informed on developments, and prepare for a quantum-powered future. We may not be there yet, but quantum computing is on the threshold of providing significant benefits for manufacturers.

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