Import data from CSV to Firebase Firestore, the fastest way

Harini Janakiraman
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2022

Import CSV to Firestore without writing any custom scripts code or building internal tools or visiting Firebase Console. Since is specifically built for Firebase, import to Firestore is done in a highly optimized way in bulk batch rather than one row at a time. You can also preview data and assign field types with ease.

Rowy is open-source and fully free. Let’s see how you can import CSV to Firestore in just 3 steps.

Step 1: Import CSV file and select fields

Setup Rowy (in case you haven’t already) and connect to your Firebase project. You can create a table for existing Firestore collection or create database collection right from the Rowy UI. Then CSV import using the import data icon. For brand new collections, with import data you can create the table structure as well with ease. You can create new fields or pick from existing column field names.

Step 2: Preview data and update field types

Next, preview the data and verify the field types. You can adjust them as needed. Rowy supports over 30 field types including single select, multi select, URL, json and much more.

Step 3: Click import, that’s it

Finally, click import and you can see that data is imported in bulk into your Firestore collection. Note that Rowy is specifically made for Firebase and hence highly optimized in the way it writes to your Firestore. Unlike other alternative internal tools that are generic in name which write one row at a time, Rowy uploads the data in bulk batches and hence works blazingly fast.

Checkout Rowy project and give the project star on Github ⭐️🙏

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Originally published at



Harini Janakiraman

Co-founder and CEO of — Open-source low-code platform to empower developers build fast on Google Cloud Platform