the best part of being alone

Roy Williams IV
Roy Williams IV
Published in
1 min readMar 30, 2016

The best part of being alone
Is the silence.
But it’s not so very silent.
You can just hear your head better.
Voices (your own and others) fighting for attention.
Not schizophrenia,
(Though it could be.)
Just the conflictedness that is humanity.

If you focus, you can hear them.

“Who should I be?”
(But not really,
The real question we ask is:
Who does everyone say I should be?

“Who am I now?”
(But not really.
We want others’ opinions.
Fleeting, fickle and feeble as they may actually be beneath the loud pride-drag they put on.

“I think I’m okay.”
We lie the best to own experience.

So, the challenge seems not to be
to simply just be heard,
But to listen,
not to others,
but to the voice inside your head.
(That one that’s yours.)

