Penny for your thoughts

A wish upon a fountain

Karthika Sakthivel
Royal Jellies
2 min readApr 30, 2019


As part of the elective module ‘The Other Voice’ we were to develop responses to a curated selection of interviews by editing and remediating oral histories, while gaining insight into the complex and nuanced ethical and practical implications of working with other people’s voices and the personal stories they have chosen to reveal.

To begin with I had a quick response to Jonathan Blake’s interview.

A wish upon a fountain, all-consuming

Lurking through the waters, unassuming

Is it alien, is it unclean?

Penny for your thoughts?

Pray tell me.

Sailors in waves, they’ll let you drown

You can’t have breakthroughs without breakdowns

Deconstruct, deal with it

Plan it without planning it

Pour it out, Keep them out

O wonderful wonderful fountain

Can you contain that?

A wish upon a fountain, out of hand

Lost in the waters- a Void Land

Is it dark, is it alone?

Penny for your thoughts?

Do pass it on

Highs and Lows, 7 years around

You can’t have breakthroughs without breakdowns

Deconstruct, deal with it

Plan it without planning it

Pour it out, Keep them out

O terribly painful fountain

Can you manage that?

Another wish upon a fountain, fortunate

Reaching through the waters, a duet?

Is it new, is it aware?

Penny for your thoughts?

care to share

Go ahead, open up, live on

You can’t have breakthroughs without breakdowns

Deconstruct, deal with it

Plan it without planning it

Pour it out, keep them out

Those grateful guilty guinea pigs

O beautifully lively wonderful fountain

Do remember,

it could just be me you carry in your waters

After reading the text “That’s not what I said” by Katherine Borland, I became aware of the challenge of interpreting oral history.

It made me think of mediums that are inherently identified as personal interpretations. It made me think of poetry. During sessions with Shabina Aslam we dabbled in verbatim theatre- stemming from oral history interviews. So I looked up Oral Poetry. I wondered how I could preserve the integrity of the words of the speaker while interpreting it. Could I have bite sized chunks of the interview playing at different times? Playing at once?



Karthika Sakthivel
Royal Jellies

Exploring the act of storytelling in a multimodal manner is at present the core of my investigation.