
wrapping my head round and around

Karthika Sakthivel
Royal Jellies
2 min readApr 30, 2019


Saṃsāra is a Sanskrit word that means “wandering” or “world”, with the connotation of cyclic, transmigration, circuitous change.

“…there are no destinations in the world. Seated or moving, we are always travelling. And when we keep travelling, we end up returning to the place from where we started, hopefully a little wiser.”

Alexander and the Gymnosophist — as retold by Devdutt Pattanaik

I stumbled upon this blog and it shed light on how ancient Indian architecture stemmed from an understanding of Samsara.


The circle became more and more prominent as we dwelt on the topic longer.

Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) in Yoga
Warli Art

Are these the circles of life?



Karthika Sakthivel
Royal Jellies

Exploring the act of storytelling in a multimodal manner is at present the core of my investigation.