The Long and Strenuous Road to “Success”

BBM Digital
Royal Qulture
Published in
4 min readOct 20, 2019

Success and Happiness, friends or foes?

Are you Happy!

Are you happy?

I don’t believe people ask themselves that question enough, I find it difficult to observe society as we hurl towards a critical level of dissatisfaction as a global community. We are beginning to wake up to the overbearing and constant struggle to maintain an identity within this social spectrum. Employment and work have shifted so far that many of this generation are realizing the trap they’ve been placed in. This is especially true in America, we have a horrendous work/life balance happening within our borders that is feeding the current state of mental health problems. Our fixation with capitalism has made the majority of us greedy and self-serving.

This works to the detriment of the society, when society is primarily focused on self, we begin to lack empathy and action in areas that involve all of us. We begin to turn our backs on people who need us, simply to fulfill our financial goals. The irony of this process, if we reach those goals or not, what we’ve successfully done is alienate people from our lives.

The road to success is not a route to riches but a journey to a knowledge of self. It all comes back to HAPPINESS. Success is a component of happiness; success brings joy and a positive attitude. The catch is how you define success if it’s an attainable goal, the more happiness you will attract. Perception plays a major role in how you feel about yourself and your journey.

Where does the road to success begin?

In my opinion, making a goal and sticking to it is the first step to success, there is no need to anticipate failure, or allow other people to dictate the way you approach your life. The means of growth are established by things you believe in, and not the things the outside world wants you to believe in. We believe the content we create at BBM Publishing House is vital to the education and growth of our community. A lack of self-confidence plagues our young men and women and we feel we can combat that with honest conversations.

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Some would say, success begins at the manifestation of an idea. The idea breeds the action, once you have sparked the inspiration of your journey then you will see the road towards your goals unravel. We then realize finding the direction that gets you there is usually the hardest part. Change your perception and your surroundings. The most detrimental thing we do to ourselves is to continue to remain in negative environments. Negativity fuels immobility, If you surround yourself with negative people you will struggle to garner positive results in your life. It is a domino effect, one must identify the components in our lives that are not feeding us and replace them with nourishing habits.

Define thyself!

Individualism is a fundamental aspect of human development. We are not robots built to sustain and die, we are the inheritance of this earth created to manifest our own experiences. Defining yourself as an individual is a next step, with no regard in yourself, you will never find that thing you would love to reach success in. A quote by Albert Schweitzer “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” I agree with that quote; happiness can open your eyes and bring exuberant confidence to your life.

Happiness is a catalyst for the expectations that you will set from within. Albert Einstein famously said, “Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value.” Those same values that Einstein is referring to are the ideas that you have planted inside your own heart. The road may be strenuous but dedication to something you believe in will always be worth it.

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Written by. Reel Robinson



BBM Digital
Royal Qulture

BBM Digital is dedicated to growing the minds of our community in particular to the growing financial tech, digital marketing, cannabis, and digital currency.