How long are ten minutes actually?

Roy Honders
Published in
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

I asked myself this question when I wanted to try mediation. How long do ten minutes actually take? Well…

…I found that when you do nothing at all and you just sit there with your eyes closed, time will pass by really slowly. It feels like it is taking forever, but trust me, the timer actually works.
So when you try it, just keep waiting for it to go off (and make sure to test the timer to be sure).

Below you will see the timer that I use for my meditation sessions.

My timer app set to ten minutes

This experience did make me wonder, why do some activities feel like they take longer to complete than others, even though they are the same length?

This reminded me of a book called “flow” that I read last summer. Here you can see the author talking about it in this video:

This book reminds us that in order to be happy and let time go by quickly, you have to be really engaged in an activity. This will allow you to enter a state of flow where time just seems to disappear and you will be able to finish your tasks quickly.

The experience of time really depends on the activity that you are currently carrying out.

Going back to my current experience with mediation so far, I do really enjoy it. Whenever you have a lot of stuff to do it helps you to get some mental rest, regain some energy.
But also to realize that there is a lot you could do in as little time as ten minutes since it feels like a long time.
And that's what I do now whenever I want to do a lot of things in my days, I just take ten minutes to help my mind calm down and focus on the things I need to do after those ten minutes.

I hope that you got some value out of this story and if you'd like to see more blogs about lifestyle or software development, you should follow me.



Roy Honders

Working as a frontend developer at Quintor. Currently writing short stories about tech.