Part four (finale) of my challenge to adapt to a new lifestyle.

Day ten to twelve and a part of thirteen

Roy Honders
4 min readMar 18, 2018


Day ten (15-03-2018)

On thursday I went to college listening to an audio book. When I arrived, I followed a lesson about React routing. He was giving an extensive demo in which he explained everything and answered all the questions that we had. After class I went to the train station, while listening to an audio book. I was on my way to the library to give my second language lesson.

For me teaching other people things that are new to them and seeing them smile while you are explaining things to do them and they get that “Aha gotcha” moment, it’s the best thing ever.
It’s really relaxing, since I don’t have to put in too much effort to answer the questions. It also helps me reflect on my own learning progress and helps me see the value of good education.

After the lesson was over, I talked to one of the students a little bit more. Then I went home while listening to an audiobook. On my way home, I remembered that google play books also has a read-out-loud functionality, which I decided to try out for a while. It’s pretty amazing to use for when my Audible trial is over.

I spent my time watching some YouTube in the afternoon. Then I had dinner and watched some more YouTube. I decided to write some more for my daily blog and spent the rest of the night playing a game with my friend.

Day eleven (16-03-2018)

On friday I woke up quite slowly. Then I packed my stuff for the gym and went to there while listening an audiobook on Audible.
That’s where I also wanted to complete my challenge to talk to a stranger. So I asked someone if one machine was free and they just looked at me like whuutt, and just said yeah. So that kinda proved my point on the Dutch society, people are really not used to strangers talking them even in the slightest way. For instance when you ask them something or when you’d compliment them about something.
You really have to go out of your way in order to keep up a conversation with people, otherwise they will shut you down after doing a request or talking about something like the weather or how shitty politics is these days. I actually had someone talk to me too, but I was like, I’m here in the gym to work out, not to talk and make friends. So I am actually guilty too to this behaviour.
In general the people here aren’t talkative, but I think I could talk to a stranger for a couple of hours if I really wanted to. The thing is that the gym isn’t the best place to try it out.

After my workout and taking a shower, I had to rush back home because I didn’t want to miss my class and making the test that I had that day. So everything was fine and I listened to the audiobook again while traveling.

At college I actually was a little early, so I worked on a task for soundshare and completed it. When my teacher arrived, he had the results of the previous test. So I went to see how I did and I actually found that he made an error in my grading, which upped my grade by 0,3 points. (out of ten)

After that I made the test, and talked with my classmates about several technologies and programming paradigms. After that I went home while listening to the audiobook again. Then I had dinner with my father and my brother. After that I completed half of the 34th lesson of my Russian course. Then I noted some things for my blog, so I wouldn’t forget what I did when writing. After that I just watched some YouTube and went to sleep.

Day twelve (17–03–2017)

On saturday I woke up and watched some YouTube. Then I opened up my laptop to work for soundshare for a bit. After that I texted with my friend about going to the gym together, he was doing better than last week and could move around without vomitting now.

After going to the gym I had my lunch and then decided to go for a powernap. After that I read/listened (simultaniously) to a google play book. Then I relaxed some more, watching YouTube and reading more of my book. In this book, “The four hour workweek” by Tim Ferris, I discovered a browser extension, which is supposed to help you block out websites for certain times, so they don’t distract you. I decided to implement this.
After that I had dinner, worked for soundshare, played a game and updated my to-do-list so I knew which stuff to work on the next day. Then I went to sleep, sweet dreams. :)

The end of my blog and my first challenge

On Sunday, I decided to quit my challenge. It just doesn’t feel like the right thing to do anymore, at least not in the same way as I’m doing now. I feel like writing about my progress and experiences everyday gets annoying. I’d rather talk to people about the things that I experience, than that I’d write about them. So that’s what I’m gonna do from now on.

What I like to conclude from my challenge is that I really need to just relax and do things the best way that I can. Like working really hard, but also appreciating the rewards that I can give myself, doing the things that I like. Also I don’t want to have everything instantaneously. I just need to put in the effort everyday and wait a couple of years to achieve greatness. All these thoughts reminded me of the famous song by Bobby McFerrin:

Don’t worry, be happy

And that is what I’m going to do. I’m not gonna stress myself too much about being the best version I can possibly can be. I’m just gonna be happy.

I hoped you guys enjoyed this blog series though and maybe you will see more of me in the future. :)



Roy Honders

Working as a frontend developer at Quintor. Currently writing short stories about tech.