Retiring at 21, just for a few months

Roy Honders
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2019

Current situation

My situation right now is this, I am:

  • Debt-free.
  • Someone who has saved a significant sum of money.
  • Someone who started a few businesses three years ago to gain experience in business.
  • Just twenty-one years old (on the day of writing, the day of publishing is my 22nd birthday).

Plans after college

While I was at my internship, during the breaks I would think about what I wanted to be doing after graduating. I ended up with the following items:

  • Building my YouTube channel.
  • Blogging.
  • Finishing my website.
  • Making more money freelancing.
  • Working on
  • Traveling
  • Teaching
  • Reading books that are used for a university degree.
  • Learning more Russian.
  • Improving my German.
  • Improving my French.

A change of plans occured.

I was contacted by a few people offering me jobs and recruiters wanting to find me a job. My thoughts about this were, what do I have to lose? I might be able to network and learn more about what companies around me are working on. Also I might find a cool job in the process.

Not knowing how much time this would have cost me, I went into it quite naively. My initial plans and personal projects kind of slacked off into the distance, but I was still working on a few of them.

This all wasn’t a bad thing though. I did end up learning a lot about myself and ended up finding a really cool job that fits my character. They are specifically looking for empathetic and entrepreneurial software engineers that are geared towards gaining lots of knowledge in their field.

Taking on this job means that in the future I will have less time available to work on my own projects.

For now, I am still confident that I will have plenty of time to work on my own projects when I start my job. I am also confident in the fact that taking on this job will give me growth in return than I will get learning things on my own and taking on loads of client work.

P.S. I am still taking on a small amount of client work through:



Roy Honders

Working as a frontend developer at Quintor. Currently writing short stories about tech.