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Cardano Node 9.0.0: A Deep Dive into the Voltaire Era Stepping Stone

Rudy's Hangout
Published in
5 min readJul 9, 2024


Cardano Node 9.0.0 is a significant update for the Cardano blockchain, introducing key features for the Voltaire era emphasizing decentralization and community governance. It enables ADA holders to participate directly in the network’s future through on-chain governance.

Cardano Node 9.0.0 marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of the Cardano blockchain. It is the cornerstone for the highly anticipated Voltaire era, a crucial step towards full decentralization and community governance. This update introduces many features designed to empower ADA holders and unlock the true potential of the Cardano ecosystem. Let’s embark on a detailed exploration of Cardano Node 9.0.0, dissecting its core functionalities and their implications for the future of Cardano.

The Foundation for Decentralization: The Chang Hard Fork

The centerpiece of Node 9.0.0 lies in its preparation for the Chang hard fork. A hard fork signifies a permanent change to the underlying blockchain protocol, requiring all nodes to upgrade to maintain network compatibility. The Chang hard fork represents a critical juncture in Cardano’s journey, paving the way for a more decentralized governance structure.

Before Node 9.0.0, the Cardano protocol was largely controlled by Input Output Global (IOG), the company behind Cardano’s development. While IOG was crucial in the project's initial stages, the long-term vision necessitates a shift toward community-driven governance. The Chang hard fork ushers in this new era, empowering ADA holders to actively participate in shaping the future of the Cardano blockchain.

Unleashing On-chain Governance: CIP-1694

One of the most significant features introduced in Node 9.0.0 is the groundwork for on-chain governance, facilitated by Cardano Improvement Proposal (CIP) 1694. Traditionally, governance decisions on blockchains occur off-chain, often through foundation proposals or community forums. This approach can be susceptible to inefficiencies and potential centralization risks.

CIP-1694 revolutionizes governance by enabling it directly on the Cardano blockchain. ADA holders can propose protocol changes, vote on proposals, and ultimately make crucial decisions regarding the network’s future. This fosters a more transparent and democratic system, ensuring the community has a direct say in Cardano’s development.

While Node 9.0.0 lays the foundation for on-chain governance, it only initiates the bootstrap phase of CIP-1694 in production environments. The full functionality, including Delegated Proof-of-Stake (DRep) voting and the ability to enact all governance actions, will be available in the subsequent Node 10.0 update.

Empowering Developers: Plutus Scripting and CIP-69

Cardano Node 9.0.0 focuses on governance and empowers developers with enhanced smart contract capabilities. This update introduces support for Plutus v1 reference scripts, a powerful tool for creating complex and versatile smart contracts. Plutus, a functional programming language specifically designed for blockchain environments, offers developers greater flexibility and security than traditional smart contract languages.

Furthermore, Node 9.0.0 supports Plutus script signatures as defined by CIP-69. This enhancement allows for more secure and efficient execution of Plutus scripts. By enabling cryptographic verification of the script’s origin and execution, CIP-69 mitigates potential vulnerabilities associated with unauthorized script modifications.

The combined effect of Plutus script support and CIP-69 paves the way for a new generation of innovative decentralized applications (dApps) to be built on the Cardano blockchain. Developers can leverage these features to create secure, reliable, and feature-rich dApps that cater to diverse use cases.

The Importance of Upgrading: Maintaining Network Compatibility

With the introduction of the Chang hard fork, upgrading to Cardano Node 9.0.0 or a later version becomes crucial for all node operators. Nodes that remain on older versions will be incompatible with the upgraded network and will no longer be able to participate in consensus or earn rewards. Furthermore, by upgrading to Node 9.0.0, users gain access to the latest features and security enhancements, ensuring they remain at the forefront of the Cardano ecosystem.

Beyond Node 9.0.0: The Road to Full Decentralization

While Node 9.0.0 represents a significant leap toward decentralization, it’s just the first step toward Cardano’s vision of a fully community-governed network. The subsequent Node 10.0 update will unlock the full potential of CIP-1694, enabling DRep voting and allowing the community to enact governance proposals directly on-chain.

This further decentralization empowers ADA holders to shape the Cardano blockchain's future actively. They can propose and vote on changes to the protocol, fee structure, and other critical aspects of the network. Ultimately, this fosters a more robust and sustainable ecosystem driven by the Cardano community's collective will.

Conclusion: A New Era for Cardano

Cardano Node 9.0.0 signifies a paradigm shift for the Cardano blockchain. It lays the groundwork for the Voltaire era, characterized by on-chain governance and a more empowered Cardano community. By introducing support for the Chang hard fork, Plutus scripting, and CIP-69, Node 9.0.0 paves the way for a more decentralized, secure, and developer-friendly ecosystem.

Looking Ahead:

The future of Cardano hinges on ongoing development and community engagement. The upcoming Node 10.0 update will unlock the full potential of on-chain governance, allowing ADA holders to shape the network’s evolution actively. Continuous innovation and collaboration between IOG, developers, and the wider community will be paramount as Cardano transitions towards a fully decentralized future.

Impact and Potential:

The ramifications of Node 9.0.0 extend far beyond technical upgrades. It signifies a maturing blockchain platform poised for wider adoption. By empowering users and developers, Cardano opens doors to a plethora of innovative applications across various sectors. The possibilities are vast, from decentralized finance (DeFi) and supply chain management to identity verification and voting systems.

Cardano Node 9.0.0 represents a critical milestone towards a more democratic and user-driven blockchain. It empowers the Cardano community to become active stakeholders in the network’s governance and paves the way for a future brimming with potential.

Additional Considerations:

For those seeking to delve deeper, it is recommended that they explore the official Cardano documentation on Node 9.0.0, CIP-1694, and Plutus scripting. Additionally, staying updated on IOG’s development roadmap and community discussions can provide valuable insights into Cardano's future direction.

By understanding the significance of Cardano Node 9.0.0 and its role in ushering in the Voltaire era, users can actively participate in shaping the future of this innovative blockchain platform.


Any views, opinions expressed, and consulting services provided are for educational purposes only; you should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other advice. Sessions do not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any particular cryptocurrency asset.

#Cardano #CardanoNode #VoltaireEra #OnChainGovernance #CIP1694 #PlutusScripts #CIP69 #Decentralization #Blockchain #Cryptocurrency



Rudy's Hangout
Roy M. Avila

Chief Futurist | To educate the masses on artificial intelligence and cryptology and lifelong advocate promoter of a healthy lifestyle.