I create simple, exciting product that solve user problems

I’m a Problem Solver who creates engaging user experiences across platforms

Zina Szőgyényi
Rozina’s Portfolio
3 min readJan 9, 2019


11 years in the making

I’m a Product Designer and Product Owner with a background in UX design, research, analysis and development. I have experience in the whole spectrum of an online product from the low intent marketing campaigns, through the funnel optimization, to B2B tools and user interfaces.

I use empathy to understand the user’s frustrations, goal and motivations, to solve their problems and deliver an engaging experience.

With finesse I make sure that their experience is not just intuitive but visually pleasing and delightful. I iterate on creative solutions to find what works best.

With a psychological approach I optimize conversion and get evidence of my results at every step of the process. I collaborate with stakeholders and fellow designers, with one eye always on the the business goals the other on the spotless technical execution.

My Design Process with the user in the focus


Gather available quantitative data (Google Analytics, heat maps, MySQL/Hadoop)

Get qualitative answers to your questions (surveys, dirty street user testing, website feedback, in-lab user test)

KISS — Keep it Simple, Stupid

Creating functioning user interfaces is easy. Creating simple UIs is an art.
Only give the users what they need, not everything you have.


Believing in a solution is half success. The other half lies in the data — do A/B tests, keep your eyes on the data trends, ask the users how satisfied they are.

Learn, adapt, iterate.

Native in HTML/CSS

I’m from those good old times when freelance designers had to code what they put on their Photoshop canvas. 8 years later Sketch took over and made mocking up and prototyping much faster — but it didn’t take my passion for quick and precise HTML/CSS/LESS coding away.

It gives me independence and agility, which makes me able to deliver quicker, and start getting feedback from the users sooner.

From ideation to delivery. That’s how I roll.


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Feel free to send me a message via Email (szogyenyi.zina@gmail.com)

Check out some of my old work on Dribbble

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Zina Szőgyényi
Rozina’s Portfolio

A Digital Product Designer, traveler with addiction to fitness, based in Ottawa, discovering new places, foods and craft beers