Redesign of service emails

Zina Szőgyényi
Rozina’s Portfolio
2 min readJan 9, 2019

Year of experience in coding emails made it possible to approach the new design in a way that allows quick development, consistent design and compatibility with most email clients on most devices.

I took the templates I created a while ago for email marketing, and is being used in Mailchimp, and turned it into a sample of templates that contain all the typical content sections used in about 20–30 different service emails. Instead of designing them one by one this system allows the developers to create reusable modules and use those when building an email content.

Examples for simple service emails

Due to the nature of these emails only technical testing happens, no experimentation necessary.

  • they start with a big message that creates clarity what the email is about
  • in case there’s a required action then the CTA is right on the top, it may repeat in the bottom
  • in case button’s links would break there’s an easy way to retrieve the URLs
  • doesn’t use unnecessary imagery, only if it helps with the goal of the email, otherwise keep it simple

Conversion driver service emails

With the emails that make the money (organizer giving availability, customer acting on it and finalizing booking) we can’t risk any changes without testing, therefore these improvements, no matter how obvious they are, go through an A/B test.

  • they start with a big message that creates clarity what the email is about
  • in case there’s a required action then the CTA is right on the top, it may repeat in the bottom
  • summarize the request and only show the most relevant information
  • give clear calls to action in case the addressee has multiple choices what to do



Zina Szőgyényi
Rozina’s Portfolio

A Digital Product Designer, traveler with addiction to fitness, based in Ottawa, discovering new places, foods and craft beers