Cross-Platform App Development With Flutter

An Agile and Smoother development process using a Cost- Effective approach

Aurora Solutions
Aurora Solutions
4 min readMar 1, 2021


Do you have an amazing start-up app idea? Which is the best fit technology for appreneurs? Are you looking for a definitive and cost-effective solution for app development?

In the ever changing face of technological landscape, mobile apps have flourished from a simplification tool of our lives to a major business requirement and a growth aspect. In the early days of mobile applications, we had to rely on native technologies to build a reliable app, but we now have a lot more options. Many cross-platform frameworks started popping up over the last five to six years. Frameworks like Xamarin and Ionic gained popularity in the early days and the tools have matured with the addition of React Native and more recently Flutter.

In recent times, Flutter has taken the digital world by the storm in terms of cross-platform app development. But this may bring you to a question that while there are other cross-platform development then why choose Flutter?

This blog will answer all your questions. Let’s dive straight in!

What is Flutter?

Flutter is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google which is used to develop native like apps for Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Windows, Google Fuchsia, and the web from a single codebase. Its modern stratagem allows a business to get functional apps with cost and time efficiency.

Why choose Flutter for Cross-Platform development?

Apps take flight with Flutter. With a rampant change in market trends, business owners and appreneurs search for a quick mobile app development solution. The cut-throat competitive market compels a lot of startups and small businesses to launch their mobile apps faster.

Flutter fulfills all the requirements which is why more and more development companies are using Flutter for their mobile application needs and it’s exponentially increasing.

Let’s take a look at a few of the many reasons why Flutter overgrows every other Framework out in the market.

Easy to Learn:

There is no toolkit or real production-level language that you can learn in a flash. But Flutter provides developers with documentation that is easy and straightforward with a lot of reference examples. A single codebase can be used for multiple operating systems which allows you to save money on development costs.

Flutter uses Dart programming language which is strongly typed and object-oriented in nature. It facilitates the design and ensures consistency, standardization and features that are likely to be missing in several existing cross-platform tools. Since Dart is similar to other languages like JAVA, C and TypeScript, hence it becomes easier to get started with Dart for building feature rich apps using Flutter.

Hot Reload:

Flutter has an amazing feature called “Hot Reload” that allows the team to build applications

faster, debug in less time and experiment with mobile application development services.

Using this feature, developers can monitor real time changes made in code.

Perfect for MVP:

As there is always tight competition out there which is why firms and appreneurs need to exhibit their products to investors in a very short time span.

Flutter helps you build native apps for both Android and iOS which allows the investors to grasp a better idea about the final MVP look.


How your app looks is just as important as how it works. Flutter offers an improved set of striking interactive designs/widgets which offers extensive capabilities to create intricate customized widgets which can be used for application itself and for the whole screen.

Moreover, the combination between Flutter and Material Design helps in creating a smooth and crisp app without any trouble, leaving users with an amazing experience

Strong Back-end:

Although you can use other technologies for the backend but Flutter naturally works very easily with Firebase which offers one of the best eco-systems for developing a mobile application in quick time. Firebase is backed by Google provides a collection of services such as cloud storage, cloud functions, real-time databases, hosting and many more. With Flutter app development adoption, startups can save a lot of time and resources on backend development.


Cross-platform development is booming these days. Flutter is one of the fastest growing frameworks and it is backed by Google which ensures great documentation and constant evolution. It offers great performance, a strong support community, number of out-of-the-box solutions and a well architectured code structure which makes it easy to implement. Apps build through flutter are cost-effective as compared to native development for two platforms.

Hence Flutter perfectly bridges the gap between native app development and cross-platform development.

