How do you want to do this?

Erica Lindquist
Published in
2 min readFeb 28, 2024

It’s the question that a lot of live-play watchers love to hear. They’ve struck the final blow on the enemy, and now you ask them how they felled their foe. And maybe they have a great and cinematic final move. But sometimes they don’t. Some people — like me — don’t think very visually. When asked this question, I tend to freeze and eventually say that I… uh… stab them. In the face. Wait no, I used a spell. I burn them to death! To um… ashes. Yeah.

It’s (a little) embarrassing for me, and doesn’t give my Storytellers a lot to work with. So Aron — who is my most frequent GM — has started asking me a new question: Do you want me to describe this, or do you?

Perfect. It works for when I want to describe spells or killing blows, pretty clothes in a party scene, or even just where my character lives. If I have an idea, great! I go wild on it to give him the gory or beautiful details. But when I don’t have any ideas (which is often), then Aron jumps in with his lavish and cinematic descriptions. For me, it’s been the best of both worlds.

Image: A long-haired woman in plate armor, holding her sword at the ready as wind blows her hair (right into her face) and a flame-colored glow lights her from behind.

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Erica Lindquist

Writer, editor, and occasional ball of anxiety for Loose Leaf Stories and The RPGuide.