Last-minute update

Erica Lindquist
Published in
1 min readJun 22, 2022

Hello, gamers! Aron and I are still in the throes of a long month. Months? We’ve got a family member with covid, and the funeral of a friend to attend tonight. So we have been busy, and mostly with things that we badly wish weren’t happening.

But we do have an update! We’re working on copy edits and final match-up on Snake Eyes — making sure that we’ve used consistent wording, hunting down typoes; stuff like that. (Several traits and mechanics have gone through renaming cycles, and a few instances always slip through the cracks.)

We’re not exactly sure when the book will be done, but it’s getting closer to the finish line. Once Snake Eyes is all finished, it’s our plan to offer it free on the platforms that will let us, and charge minimum price on those that don’t. It’s a labor of love, and exists at least half just to compile all of our house rules into a more or less single place. We hope that you find it useful, and will let you know as soon as it’s available for download.

Image: A white snake on a black background



Erica Lindquist

Writer, editor, and occasional ball of anxiety for Loose Leaf Stories and The RPGuide.