Link: One Page Dungeon & City Generator

Erica Lindquist
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2019

Mapping your campaign — it’s one of the best and worst parts of creating any RPG. It can be time-consuming and expensive if you use dungeon tiles or miniatures. But it’s also a great opportunity to make your game unique and create strong visuals.

At the very least, it’s time-intensive — unless you have a little help! User Watabou (Oleg Dolya) on has some truly amazing tools to help.

First and older is his Medieval Fantasy City Generator. It creates a totally new and unique city map each time you load the page, and has a bunch of settings to help you get the exact look that you need for your campaign. You can turn on and off city features like temples, walls or waterways. If you tweak the settings a little, you can even get a damned good modern-looking city map. Here’s one I created for Aron’s latest Vampire game. (I cleaned it up and added the labeling afterward.)

Image: A top-down map of the fictional city of Rail City, Vermont.

But now Watabou has a new tool: One Page Dungeon! His newest creation draws a new dungeon on every reload, with a random number of rooms and suggestions on features or encounters inside.

Image: An 8-room dungeon map with several suggestions for what players might find inside.

There aren’t as many bells and whistles on One Page Dungeon just yet, but it’s already impressive and Watabou is taking suggestions for improvements. You can turn the encounters and features text off, then export a version that’s blank for players — while keeping the text-filled one for yourself. The maps all have a nice, simple hand-drawn look, which I love, and I’ll be looking for an opportunity to use them!



Erica Lindquist

Writer, editor, and occasional ball of anxiety for Loose Leaf Stories and The RPGuide.