Updated Snake Eyes stuff!

Erica Lindquist
Published in
Jan 27, 2020

We’ve been working on the mechanics, play-testing and manual material for Snake Eyes. But when the crunchy systems stuff gets to be too much, I step back to work on the graphical parts — covers, logos and character sheets. So while the mechanical aspects of Snake Eyes are pretty messy and not yet ready for sharing, I can at least update you all on some of the graphical assets!

So here’s a brushed-up character sheet, a mock-up of the cover and the title page with our preliminary logo.

Image: Character sheets, cover and title page for Snake Eyes

UPDATE: Holy carp, gamers! Dyskami Publishing found one of my tweets about working on Snake Eyes, worrying about encroaching on their work. And they said this!

Image: A Twitter screenshot from the BESM publisher reading “Hey, we’re easy going with #BESM4, so no issues! Looks like you have some interesting stuff with Snake Eyes and hope that the final development goes well.”



Erica Lindquist

Writer, editor, and occasional ball of anxiety for Loose Leaf Stories and The RPGuide.