Don’t Buy Presentation Template online! [HOW TO AVOID FAKE POWERPOINT TEMPLATE]

Larasita Apsari
Published in
4 min readMay 17, 2019

Buy a presentation template online, seems like the best decision ever. With just paste your content, insert some pictures, and your presentation is ready. And those fancy previews are so tempting, with various themes and topic, begging you to buy them. But let me tell you. What looks good on the surface, isn’t always good on the inside. There are these powerpoint templates that I call as ‘fake powerpoint template”. How to avoid fake PowerPoint Template?

Why? Because some (maybe MOST) of the features they claim isn’t working like what they claim.

Easy to edit (editable)

Most of the presentation template seller is using ‘easy to edit’ sentence to attract customers. But do you know that editing those colorful slides aren’t as simple as it looks? Check this example

Now I’m not going to say what template it is and who is the seller. I just want to give a clear example.

See? You can’t just drag your picture to the placeholder. There’s already image filled the placeholder. You have to DELETE ALL IMAGES from the template first, then place your own image. Average presentation templates contain 50+ slides, and more image placeholders, deleting image one by one is definitely wasting time. Not easy to edit at all

Compare it to one of our powerpoint presentation template, Coworking

See? We’re not filling image placeholders with images. We simply fill the placeholder shapes with color so you can identify it easily. Simply drag and click ‘send backward’ option. No need to delete images first. This will totally save your time in editing presentation template

Editable Infographics and chart

Seeing charts that look good, you imagine it will work with your presentation data. Well, ready to kiss that goodbye. Because most of those charts are not easy to edit. The worst of all, it’s not a chart at all. This chart design is actually beautiful

Turns out it’s actually not a chart. You can actually edit the lines, but adjusting the line with the amount of your data will be difficult.

And again, compare it with our Coworking again.

We have a pretty chart too. The difference is, you can edit the data, and the chart will automatically change, following your data. Just right-click to chart and choose ‘edit data’, and you’re good to go. You can also edit the chart in Excel, in case you want to modify it more.

Another example. This is what we mean as an editable infographic. You can modify every element that builds the infographic. Shapes, line, and everything.

Fake total slides (duh)

1000 slides with a super-cheap price. Seems promising. But actually, what they mean by 1000 slides is like 100 (number of actual slides) x 10 (number of color schemes). So you ended up getting 100 slides, not 1000.

And this is what we show on Coworking preview

Here’s the ACTUAL slide amount

That’s it. Be careful of what you plan to buy. Better do some research before buying anything online, include presentation template. Use this article as a consideration before you buy a presentation template online. For now, we can guarantee that our items have fair prices, qualities, and fast support system.

Browse more template like Coworking in our marketplace!

