How To Contribute to [rsschool-api]

An engineer
The Rollins Scopes School
3 min readAug 8, 2018

NOTE: In our guide I will use only command-line interface for working with Git. You can also use any GUI tools, for example Source Tree

Step 1.

You need to set up local prerequisites.

  1. Go to, download LTS (recommended) version and install it
  2. Go to, download 2.7.x version for your OS and install it
  3. Go to , download MongoDB 3.6 version for your OS system and install it
  4. If you use Windows, please also install git

Step 2.

Clone github repository

  1. Log in to
  2. Go to
  3. Press “Fork” button and do fork into your account. The forked repository address should be[your_github_user]/rsschool-api

4. Now you need to clone your repository locally. Please first read the following article:

You need to copy your git SSH address

Then go to command line, navigate to a folder where you are going to store git repository and execute git clone [repositry_address].

When clone is over, navigate to newly created rsschool-apifolder with source code and execute npm install (or npm i). Please see a gif below how to do it.

how to clone git repository and install dependencies

5. It’s recommended to do development in a separate git branch, not master. So now you need to create a git branch by executing git checkout -b [branch_name] master

how to create a git branch

6. Before running your application, you need to run database which will be used by your application. You can do it by running mongod (or ./mongod on MacOS/Linux)command inside folder where MongoDB is installed.

Now MongoDB should be running on your local machine. You can check if the following page http://localhost:27017/opens in your browser:

6. Run the application by the following command: npm start

7.Implement your feature

8. When you are done, do not forget to commit your changes with commit message and remember to follow git commit message styleguide:

git commit -m "feat(login): add login password field"

9. After that you need to push your changes to github.

git push origin [branch_name]

10. Create a pull request:[your_github_user]/rsschool-api/pulls

