9 Days of Values, 9 Days of Giving

Supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Tech

RS21 Blog
6 min readDec 13, 2021


We’re highlighting organizations that are promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in tech.

9 Days of Values, 9 Days of Giving is RS21’s annual giving campaign to donate to and shine a light on organizations that are living their values to advance tech equity and make our world a better place.

The groups we’re celebrating this year are promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in tech. They are educating the next generation of leaders, improving access to technology, increasing workplace representation of people from different social identities, and ensuring that tech benefits everyone.

Scroll down for stories from nine incredible organizations working every day toward making our world a better place.

Thank you for joining us as we celebrate efforts that seek to include everyone as we expand innovations in technology.

Do Good With Data | Data & Society (Day 1)

Day 1 — RS21 is donating to Data & Society for their dedication to Do Good With Data.

Data & Society believes that empirical evidence should directly inform the development and governance of new technology. The nonprofit research organization studies the social implications of data-centric technologies and automation.

Over the past few years, Data & Society has brought together voices on topics like health misinformation and advancing equity in the design and governance of emerging technologies.

Learn more about how to support independent research to advance equity and creativity in technology at datasociety.net.

Evoke Childlike Wonder | Revision Path (Day 2)

Day 2 — RS21 is donating to Revision Path for their capacity to Evoke Childlike Wonder.

Revision Path is an award-winning weekly showcase of Black designers, artists, developers, and digital creatives from all over the world. Through in-depth interviews, listeners learn about their work, their goals, and what inspires them as creative individuals.

Each Monday, host Maurice Cherry interviews creators about their body of work. Revision Path has grown to include articles, live events, and other industry connections — and it is the first podcast to be included in the permanent archive of the Smithsonian National Museum of African-American History and Culture.

Listen to inspiring stories from Revision Path at revisionpath.com.

Disrupt | Project Include (Day 3)

Day 3 — RS21 is donating to Project Include for their efforts to Disrupt the status quo.

Project Include’s mission is to give everyone a fair chance to succeed in tech. Studies quantify the financial benefits of racial, ethnic and gender diversity — and the many ways diversity improves company performance.

To help companies design initiatives with lasting and meaningful impact, Project Include has created a framework based on three values: Inclusion, Comprehensiveness, and Accountability.

Learn more about how the non-profit uses data and advocacy to accelerate diversity and inclusion solutions in the tech industry at projectinclude.org.

Evolve & Learn | AISES (Day 4)

Day 4 — RS21 is donating to AISES for Evolve & Learn for supporting education and professional development.

The American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES) is a national nonprofit organization focused on substantially increasing the representation of Indigenous peoples of North America and the Pacific Islands in STEM studies and careers.

AISES has awarded $13 million in academic scholarships and provides tools, information, and skills to help Indigenous students and professionals.

Learn more about AISES and consider funding scholarships, internships, programs, and events at aises.org.

Be Humble | NFHA Tech Equity Initiative (Day 5)

Day 5 — RS21 is donating to NFHA Tech Equity Initiative for Be Humble for building equity & upward mobility by making sure the technologies that impact our lives are fair.

The National Fair Housing Alliance’s Tech Equity Initiative is designed to eliminate bias in algorithmic-based systems used in housing and financial services because many technologies are not fair for women or people of color.

NFHA also works with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure that everyone has access to quality credit opportunities — free from discrimination — enabling people to develop good credit scores, build wealth for their families and secure their financial futures.

Learn more about the initiative and its focus on promoting transparency and ethical standards for AI tools at nationalfairhousing.org/tech-equity-initiative.

Be Real | AnitaB.org (Day 6)

Day 6— RS21 is donating to AnitaB.org for embodying our value Be Real and listening to and amplifying women’s experiences in tech.

AnitaB.org envisions a future where the people who imagine and build technology mirror the people and societies for whom they build it.

Named after computer scientist Dr. Anita Borg, the non-profit connects, inspires, and guides women technologists in more than 50 countries.

The social enterprise supports women in technical fields, as well as the organizations that employ them and the academic institutions training the next generation. A full roster of programs, events, and mentorship help women grow, learn, and develop their highest potential.

Sustain The Movement | NPower (Day 7)

Day 7— RS21 is donating to NPower to recognize their commitment to Sustain The Movement.

NPower is on a mission to move people from poverty to the middle class through tech training skills and creating pathways for military veterans and young adults to launch successful digital careers.

Over 50% of all jobs require some degree of technology and digital skill, cites NPower. Recent estimates forecast that the total number of new technology-oriented jobs in the U.S. will grow to 13 million by 2025.

Learn how NPower is helping build a future where the U.S. technology workforce is diverse, and where we close the skills gap to meet the demands of the digital labor market, at npower.org.

Cultivate Our Communities | New Mexico Community Capital (Day 8)

Day 8— RS21 is donating to New Mexico Community Capital to amplify their work to Cultivate Our Communities.

New Mexico Community Capital (NMCC) is giving rise to a more equitable future by providing culturally appropriate tools for success to emerging Native American-owned businesses, Native families, and tribal enterprises.

From the Financial & Business Basics course to the IndigiExchange online marketplace, NMCC provides a continuum of programs and services that support entrepreneurship, business and financial education, and economic diversification.

This past year, NMCC and their partners, Native Women Lead, launched a new bold solution called The Future is Indigenous Women which received $10M in funding from the Equality Can’t Wait Challenge. The vision is for Native women to use entrepreneurship as one pathway to healing, safety, stability, self-determination, and sovereignty.

Love Humanity | NM Friends of Foster Children (Day 9)

Day 79— RS21 is donating to New Mexico Friends of Foster Children to put a spotlight on their mission and representation of Love Humanity.

New Mexico Friends of Foster Children (NMFFC) helps provide the things that help foster kids be kids — paying for sports or camp fees, buying a bike or an instrument for band, paying for tutoring or helping a child go on a school trip.

NMFFC also awards scholarships annually to young people who have been in the child welfare system in New Mexico to help with the expenses of a community college or university, a specialized training program, an internship, study abroad, or other education or training programs.

RS21 employees voted on our Love Humanity donation, and we are thrilled to put a spotlight on the important work of New Mexico Friends of Foster Children.

Diversity Makes Us Stronger

RS21 Values

We reach our full potential only as we come together as our authentic selves. Dissimilar perspectives, diverse experiences, and different backgrounds strengthen our team, our ideas, and our work. At RS21, we seek out dreamers who will share fresh viewpoints and challenge our status quo.

With input and counsel from our three employee-led working groups (the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Working Group, the Values Working Group, and the Employee Wellbeing Working Group), we endeavor to create an inclusive and equitable environment that reflects the communities we work in and serve. A place where people from all backgrounds — regardless of race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, genetics, disability, age, or veteran status — can come together for collaboration, creativity, engagement, and honest exchange.



RS21 Blog

RS21 is revolutionizing decision-making with data + AI. We believe the power of data can unleash human potential and make a better world. Visit www.rs21.io.