9 Days of Values, 9 Days of Giving

RS21 Blog


This year we doubled down on our values. They guide everything we do, including how we celebrate the holidays. In lieu of sending a printed holiday card this year, we donated to nine organizations that exemplify our nine corporate values, putting action behind our beliefs.

Learn about some of the amazing organizations that work every day to make our world a better place.

There’s no better way to Do Good With Data than to use it to make people’s lives better. Code for America lives this value by improving how government serves the American public. That’s why we made a donation to help further their mission.

What gets us pumped about science? ¡Explora! From bubbles to coding and making kids feel empowered, it’s one of our favorite places that Evokes Childlike Wonder. To show our gratitude for what they do for kids of all ages (love those adult nights!), we made a donation to their general fund. Get the family out and explore.

It takes a great idea, and an even greater team to execute it, to Disrupt a well-established industry and make important changes. That’s why we chose to donate to Kiva Microlending. The financially inclusive model of lending provides services to people who might not traditionally qualify for loans to start a business, go to school, or afford emergency care. Check out their innovative microlending model at kiva.org.

We recognized Girls Who Code for their commitment to Evolve And Learn. RS21 developer Monica Alvarez helped bring the group to Albuquerque, through 505 Code Clubs, and says, “The girls in these clubs are sharp, hilarious, and care about the world around them… We learn to code, but we also learn to be Brave, Not Perfect. Girls Who Code creates a unique environment for girls to share their perspectives out loud and make mistakes knowing they will be supported and encouraged by the girls and women around them, so once they get to college where they might be the only woman in the room, they will know without a doubt that they belong there.” Join the movement: girlswhocode.com.

Here at RS21, we strive to be self-aware and embrace opportunities to improve, individually and together. That’s why we made a donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) and their alignment with our value Be Humble. BBBS helps children see and realize their potential. Donate or become a Big at bbbs.com.

To Be Real means we speak our truth and listen to the truth of others, even when it’s uncomfortable. One of our world’s uncomfortable truths is that we still have work to do to end violence against women. We couldn’t think of a better organization to support in this effort than Tewa Women United. TWU helps strengthen families and communities and works to end domestic, sexual, and environmental violence. Their name comes from the Tewa words “wi don gi mu”, translated as “we are one”. Thanks for all you do, TWU!

Representing every US area code and 131 countries, DoSomething is a massive digital platform engaging young people in civic action to make real-world impact on issues they care about… It’s a great example of how to Sustain The Movement and empower causes and people. Check out DoSomething.org to get involved or make your own donation.

There’s no doubt that Cultivating Coders is a great example of how to Cultivate Our Communities. This coding bootcamp primes the next generation of coders to help create a better future for themselves and their communities and has helped create a great job pipeline… many of our colleagues have come from this program! We’re sponsoring this bootcamp and you can too at cultivatecoders.com.

So Others Might Eat (SOME) fights poverty and homelessness by providing comprehensive programs designed to help our most vulnerable neighbors achieve long-term stability and success. We couldn’t think of a better organization to give to for our Love Humanity donation.

Thank you to the mission-driven organizations working to make our world a better place!

© RS21



RS21 Blog

RS21 is revolutionizing decision-making with data + AI. We believe the power of data can unleash human potential and make a better world. Visit www.rs21.io.