Exploring Integrated Data

We work across different types of data to reveal new insights.

RS21 Blog
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2019


Solutions to complex problems take dissimilar data sets to provide deeper insights and new perspectives. We work across different types of data, connecting information that never existed together before, to inspire new understandings and inform better decision-making.

The power of digital transformation and data analytics applies across industries, and to illustrate how, we’ll look at an example in health care.

Human health is complex. It’s not only influenced by our genetics and access to care, but also our health behaviors, physical environments, and socioeconomics — broadly defined as the Social Determinants of Health.

Because so much of our health story happens outside of the medical system, RS21 data scientists, data architects, designers, software developers, and analysts are exploring creative solutions using data that’s not traditionally leveraged in a healthcare setting.

In this video demo, we’ve compiled over 130 data sets from organizations’ internal data to open-source data, location intelligence, wearable devices, access to green spaces, distance to grocery stores, and more.

This video demonstrates the type of products RS21 builds with our partners.

By transforming these disparate data sets into compelling and accessible insights, health care organizations gain a more complete understanding of health from the community level down to the individual patient.

These health and wellness insights help organizations identify high-impact interventions and focus on programs that support health equity, costs, and performance.

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, for instance, we worked with health care organizations to identify where to place mobile vaccination clinics with the purpose of getting vaccines to people most vulnerable to COVID-19.

When data is expanded to include information from different sources, we can provide deeper insights and transform the way organizations approach decision-making to have a bigger impact.

💡 Learn more about how digital transformation is reshaping business.

About RS21

RS21 is a data science company that uses artificial intelligence, data engineering, design, and modern software development methods to empower organizations to make data-driven decisions that positively impact the world.

We believe we reach our full potential only as we come together as our authentic selves. Dissimilar perspectives, diverse experiences, and different backgrounds strengthen our team, our ideas, and our work. At RS21, we seek out dreamers who will share fresh viewpoints and challenge our status quo.

RS21 is an Inc. 5000 fastest-growing company two years in a row and a Fast Company Best Workplace for Innovators.



RS21 Blog

RS21 is revolutionizing decision-making with data + AI. We believe the power of data can unleash human potential and make a better world. Visit www.rs21.io.