What’s this all about then?

Who we are and how we’re using this space

Lorna Prescott



The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) is an enlightenment organisation committed to finding innovative practical solutions to today’s social challenges. Through ideas, research and 27,000-strong Fellowship the RSA seeks to understand and enhance human capability so we can close the gap between today’s reality and people’s hopes for a better world.

Connecting online

There are nearly 1200 RSA Fellows in the West Midlands region. Many of us are active online, but probably don’t all know where to find each other. We hope that our new twitter account @RSAwm and spaces like this will help.

We also know that good ideas and good work happen beyond the Fellowship of the RSA. So we also encourage anyone interested to join in and share things which RSA Fellows might be interested in.

We are complementing all this with face-to-face activity and events to support those who are less social media savvy, or completely new but interested in dipping their toes in. This includes encouraging Fellows to access support through Social Media Surgeries which run across the region, as well as the country. We will keep RSA Fellows in the West Midlands informed of what’s on offer through regular regional updates which are also posted out in hard copy, to ensure we include even those who may not use email.

Who is this ‘we’? Mainly RSA West Midlands Digital Champions Richard Pickford (@pickfordrich), Regional Programme Manager for the RSA,Paul Nash (@detrimentaldigi) and Lorna Prescott (@dosticen) and members of the regional team led by RSA Fellow Keith Horsfall who make RSA stuff happen in the West Midlands.

How to join in

Medium (this platform) is still in development, but if you register and sign in with a Twitter account you should soon get invited to create content. In the meantime you can read what’s in this collection (and others), add comments and useful links and click ‘reccomend’ on posts you like.

Then if you’d like to start adding to the RSA West Midlands collection you simply add your posts to it, we’ve left it open. Yay!

Feel free to make your posts as simple as a short description and link to something you’ve posted or come across elsewhere, or a question or idea you’d like to share.

Let us know on Twitter (@RSAwm) that you’ve shared and we’ll retweet your stuff.


Thanks to Janet E Davis for inpsiring us with the Weekly Blog Club, which has led to us trying this out. It is a great example of something successful which offers a way of bringing together things which people are sharing online, increasing their awareness of each other, and the awareness of others more widely.



Lorna Prescott

designing | learning | growing | network weaving | systems convening | instigator @colabdudley | Dudley CVS officer