Basic Builds :: R Markdown with Automated Email Delivery and CSV Attachment

Kelly O'Briant
RStudio Connect Digest
3 min readJan 7, 2019

TL;DR: You can add a data file email attachment to R Markdown docs by defining it in rmd_output_metadata

Basic Builds is a series of articles providing code templates for data products published to RStudio Connect.

Goal: Publish an R Markdown document to RStudio Connect which runs on a schedule and sends an email to defined recipients with each output update.

RStudio Connect is a platform for publishing many types of data products, including R Markdown documents. Embedding email templates into R Markdown is easy to do, and combined with the RStudio Connect scheduling feature, can be used to enable powerful, custom distribution of data analytics to stakeholders throughout your entire organization.

R Markdown emails are now highly customizable — this example is a template for how to send an email with a CSV data file attachment.

Use the template to create an R Markdown document in R

Example R Markdown with Email and CSV Attachment Template Outline:

  • Define R Markdown output metadata in the YAML header
title: "Email Report and CSV File"
output: html_document
rsc_email_subject: "CSV Data Report"
- "df.csv"
  • Create random data
df <- data.frame(a=rnorm(10), b=rnorm(10))
  • Write data to a CSV file
write.csv(df, "df.csv", row.names=FALSE)
  • Plot data

df_plot <-
ggplot(data = df,
aes(x = a, y = b)) +
  • Save the plot as a PNG image file
plot = df_plot,
device = "png",
width = 5,
height = 5,
dpi = "screen"
# Encode the PNG image as base64
plot_base64 <- base64enc::base64encode("plot.png")
  • Create email body html and add images
library(glue)report_name <- Sys.getenv("RSC_REPORT_NAME")
report_url <- Sys.getenv("RSC_REPORT_URL")
message <- glue(paste(h1("data plot"),
p(img(src = "cid:plot.png")),
p('This {report_name} document is available at {report_url}'),
sep = "\n"))
images <- list(plot.png = plot_base64)
rmarkdown::output_metadata$set(rsc_email_body_html = message)
rmarkdown::output_metadata$set(rsc_email_images = images)

The template provided shows how to create email customization around subject line, attachment document, and message body:

Left: R Markdown Code, Right: Example Email

This example R Markdown document generates new random data each time the report is run. Presumably, this would not be a common pattern or use case. Make this template useful by replacing the random data generation section with code that pulls data from a database, datastore or external API. Best practices for connecting to databases from R and RStudio professional products can be found here.

Publish the R Markdown document to RStudio Connect

1. Send a test email

After the document has been successfully published, send a test email to yourself at any time using the RStudio Connect content management tools. Click on the email icon as shown here:

Send an immediate test email to yourself or a viewer group

2. Set an output schedule

Define how frequently the report should be run by navigating to the Schedule settings panel. Refinement selections available depend on which schedule type you choose:

Preview of all schedule type options in RStudio Connect

3. Set a recipients list

Finally, define who should receive the email output by creating a recipients list.

  • Recipients must have view access to the report. You may need to update the Access Settings before adding individual recipients.
  • As the document owner, you will be placed on the email recipient list by default. Click the opt-out link to disable this default behavior.
Email recipient settings in RStudio Connect

You’re done! R Markdown email automation complete!

To learn more about RStudio Connect, you can: check out the User Guide, watch an introductory video, or schedule a demo with RStudio.

