React Suite 5 Release Improved Support for Accessibility 🎉

Simon Guo
React Suite
Published in
8 min readSep 26, 2021

It has been nearly two years since the first version of v4. During this time, more than 30 versions of v4 have been iterated and many new features have been added. More and more developers are starting to use React Suite and participating in function development and improvement. And the developers who have been making valuable suggestions to us, we thank you again. I hope React Suite can accompany your product to continue to grow, and also hope to serve more developers.

The accessibility and scalability of components are improved in React Suite 5. The following will introduce in detail the new features and how to upgrade from 4.x to 5.0.

Major changes ✨

Improve accessibility

It is our hope that more users can use barrier-free use of products developed by React Suite. We will improve each component provided by React Suite in multiple scenarios such as keyboard operation and screen reading devices.


React Suite follows the WAI-ARIA standard. All components have been refactored to have appropriate attributes and keyboard interaction functions out of the box.

Add a set of high contrast themes

In React Suite v4, we refer to the 《Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 》 standard for color contrast requirements, and have made great improvements to the components to meet most users. We still hope to improve on this basis and take care of a small number of people with visual impairments. React Suite officially provides a total of 3 sets of themes (light, dark, high-contrast).

Use SVG Icon instead of Icon font

Icon font has some rendering problems, which makes the icon blurry, the need to load the font file, and the content area flickers. For better accessibility, we decided to prefer SVG Icon. And can be well compatible with third-party icon resources.

import GearIcon from "@rsuite/icons/Gear";render(<GearIcon />);// output
<path d="M11.967 ..."></path>
<path d="M8 10a2 2 0 10.001-3.999A2 2 0 008 10zm0 1a3 3 0 110-6 3 3 0 010 6z"></path>

Support CSS variables

Current mainstream browsers already support CSS variables. We plan to provide a set of component CSS variable configurations to make theme customization and theme switching more convenient.

Refactoring React Class Components with Hooks

We refactored most of our components using function component and adopted the new features brought by React Hooks to enhance the development experience.

Import on Demand

When importing components in v4, you need to distinguish between cjs and esm. In v5 this is automatic.

// v4: cjs
import Button from "rsuite/lib/Button";
// v4: esm
import Button from "rsuite/es/Button";
// v5
import Button from "rsuite/Button";

Improvements to Form

  • Improve the style of Form in plain text mode
  • Rename Form related components
Rename FormGroup to Form.Group
Rename FormControl to Form.Control
Rename ControlLabel to Form.ControlLabel
Rename ErrorMessage to Form.ErrorMessage
Rename HelpBlock to Form.HelpText
  • Form validation supports object structure
const model = SchemaModel({
username: StringType().isRequired("Username required"),
tags: ArrayType().of(StringType("The tag should be a string").isRequired()),
role: ObjectType.shape({
name: StringType().isRequired("Name required"),
permissions: ArrayType().isRequired("Permissions required"),
const checkResult = model.check({
username: "foobar",
tags: ["Sports", "Games", 10],
role: { name: "administrator" },


username: { hasError: false },
tags: {
hasError: true,
array: [
{ hasError: false },
{ hasError: false },
{ hasError: true, errorMessage: 'The tag should be a string' }
role: {
hasError: true,
object: {
name: { hasError: false },
permissions: { hasError: true, errorMessage: 'Permissions required' }

For detailed usage, please read: Form Validation and Schema

Added support for srcSet, sizes,imgProps on Avatar

  • srcSet: The srcSet attribute for the img element. Use this attribute for responsive image display.
  • sizes: The sizes attribute for the img element.
  • imgProps: Attributes applied to the img element if the component is used to display an image.

Added support onChangeCommitted on Slider and RangeSlider

The difference between onChangeCommitted and onChange is that onChange is triggered every time the value changes, while onChangeCommitted is a callback that is triggered after the mouseup event is triggered and the value changes.

Improvements to DatePicker and DateRangePicker

  • DatePicker and DateRangePicker support keyboard input.
  • DateRangePicker can only select date before, and time can be selected in v5
<DateRangePicker format="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" />

Add support for color on Badge

<Badge color="red">Red</Badge>
<Badge color="orange">Orange</Badge>
<Badge color="yellow">Yellow</Badge>

Improvements to Table

  • Refactor Table

Use react hooks to refactor the Table and improve the performance when the table scrolls. The onDataUpdated and bodyRef props are deprecated.

For some components to be rendered inside the table, the body container of the table can be obtained through bodyRef before. Now we can get the container directly through the ref of Table.

// v4
const bodyRef = useRef();
return (
bodyRef={(body) => {
bodyRef.current = body;
<CheckPicker container={() => bodyRef.current} />
// v5
const ref = useRef();
return (
<Table ref={ref} />
<CheckPicker container={() => ref.current.body} />
  • Add support for rowSpan
const data = [
city: "New Gust",
name: "Janis",
rowspan: 2,
city: "New Gust",
name: "Ernest Schuppe Anderson",
city: "Maria Junctions",
name: "Alessandra",
rowspan: 3,
city: "Maria Junctions",
name: "Margret",
city: "Maria Junctions",
name: "Emiliano",
return (
<Table data={data}>
rowSpan={(rowData) => {
return rowData.rowspan;
<Cell dataKey="city" />
<Column width={100}>
<HeaderCell />
<Cell dataKey="name" />

Add support for TagInput

The enhancement of Input supports input tags and management tags.

import TagInput from "rsuite/TagInput";return (
defaultValue={["HTML", "CSS"]}
trigger={["Enter", "Space", "Comma"]}

Improvements to Carousel

Support onSelect, onSlideEnd, onSlideStart on <Carousel>

  • onSelect: Callback fired when the active item changes
  • onSlideEnd: Callback fired when a slide transition ends
  • onSlideStart: Callback fired when a slide transition starts

Migration from v4 to v5

The next step will provide you with guidance so that you can quickly migrate from v4 to v5.

Updating your dependencies

Run codemods

The process of upgrading components for large projects is often painful. We have prepared these codemods to ease your migration experience.


npx rsuite-codemod <transform> <path> [...options]
  • transform - name of transform.
  • path - files or directory to transform.
  • use the --dry option for a dry-run and use --print to print the output for comparison.

Handling breaking changes

Supported browsers

Dropped Internet Explorer 10

- last 2 versions or > 1% or ie >= 10
+ last 2 versions or > 1% and not ie <11

Use SVG Icon instead of Icon font

Use SVG Icon, import dependency @rsuite/icons.

npm i @rsuite/icons// for rsuite v4
import { Icon } from "rsuite";
return <Icon icon="gear" />;// for rsuite v5
import GearIcon from "@rsuite/icons/Gear";
return <GearIcon />;

The size property has been removed and replaced by fontSize.

// for rsuite v4
return <Icon icon="gear" size="3x" />;
// for rsuite v5
return <GearIcon style={{ fontSize: "3em" }} />;

The relationship between the size attribute value and its corresponding fontSize value is as follows:

  • lg : 1.3333em
  • 2x : 2em
  • 3x : 3em
  • 4x : 4em
  • 5x : 5em

date-fns upgrade v2

The date-fns tool is used in React Suite for date format, calculation, etc. Based on the Unicode standard, the new format string used for format functions has changed. [Detailed description]

// for rsuite v4return (
<DatePicker format="YYYY-MM-DD" />
<DateRangePicker format="YYYY-MM-DD" />
// for rsuite v5return (
<DatePicker format="yyyy-MM-dd" />
<DateRangePicker format="yyyy-MM-dd" />

Alert is deprecated. Use toaster.push(<Message>) instead

All pop-up notification messages are managed using the new API toaster. The Alert component will be deprecated. The alternative is to use a combination of toaster and Message. E.g:

// for rsuite v4"description");
// for rsutie v5
<Message type="info" closable>

Remove messages and clear all messages

// Remove message
const key = toaster.push(
<Message type="info" closable>
// Clear all messages

Refactor Notification

// for rsuite v4{
title: "info",
description: "description",
duration: 4500,
placement: "topStart",
// for rsuite v5
<Notification type="info" header="info" duration={4500}>
{ placement: "topStart" }

Rename Form related components

  • FormGroup was renamed to Form.Group
  • FormControl was renamed to Form.Control
  • ControlLabel was renamed to Form.ControlLabel
  • ErrorMessage was renamed to Form.ErrorMessage
  • HelpBlock was renamed to Form.HelpText

Rename the componentClass property of all components to as

// for rsuite v4
return <Button componentClass="span" />;
// for rsuite v5
return <Button as="span" />;

Disable all picker virtualized by default

The default value of virtualized for all pickers is false. If you want to continue using it in the project, you need to set it to true.

<SelectPicker virtualized />

Improve the way to update children asynchronously

In order to facilitate asynchronous updating of child nodes, a new getChildren property has been added. Affected components:

  • Cascader
  • MutilCascader
  • TreePicker
  • CheckTreePicker
getChildren:(node: ItemDataType) => Promise<ItemDataType[]>function fetchNodes(id) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
// fetch the child node data async
return (
<Cascader getChildren={(node) => fetchNodes(} />

Removed Table.Pagination, and enhanced Pagination

The Table.Pagination component has been removed in this version. Please use Pagination instead. The layout property has been added for customizing the layout.

// for rsuite v4
return (
{ value: 50, label: 50 },
{ value: 100, label: 100 },
// for rsuite v5
return (
limitOptions={[50, 100]}
layout={["total", "-", "limit", "|", "pager", "skip"]}

Replace IntlProvider with CustomProvider

// for rsuite v4
import { IntlProvider } from "rsuite";
import zhCN from "rsuite/lib/IntlProvider/locales/zh_CN";
return (
<IntlProvider locale={zhCN}>
<App />
// for rsuite v5
import { CustomProvider } from "rsuite";
import zhCN from "rsuite/locales/zh_CN";
return (
<CustomProvider locale={zhCN}>
<App />

Deprecate activeKey and onSelect properties of <Sidenav>

<Sidenav> is always used in conjunction with <Nav>. You should use activeKey and onSelect properties of <Nav> instead.

// for rsuite v4return (
<Sidenav activeKey={activeKey} onSelect={setActiveKey}>
<Nav.Item>Nav item</Nav.Item>
<Dropdown title="Dropdown">
<Dropdown.Item>Dropdown item</Dropdown.Item>
// for rsuite v5return (
<Nav activeKey={activeKey} onSelect={setActiveKey}>
<Nav.Item>Nav item</Nav.Item>
<Dropdown title="Dropdown">
<Dropdown.Item>Dropdown item</Dropdown.Item>

Import on Demand

Import components

// v4
import Button from "rsuite/lib/Button";
import "rsuite/lib/Button/styles/index.less";
// v5
import Button from "rsuite/Button";
import "rsuite/Button/styles/index.less";

Import locales

// v4
import ruRU from "rsuite/lib/IntlProvider/locales/ru_RU";
// v5
import ruRU from "rsuite/locales/ru_RU";

Import styles globally

// v4
import "rsuite/lib/styles/index.less"; // less
import "rsuite/dist/styles/rsuite-default.css"; // css
// v5
import "rsuite/styles/index.less"; // less
import "rsuite/dist/rsuite.min.css"; // or css
import "rsuite/dist/rsuite-rtl.min.css"; // or rtl css

Deprecate renderTitle property of <Dropdown>

The renderTitle has been deprecated and replaced by renderToggle.

return (
renderTitle={() => (
<IconButton appearance="primary" icon={<Icon icon="plus" />} circle />
return (
renderToggle={(props, ref) => (
icon={<PlusIcon />}

Use open/close instead of show/hide.

In v4, the attribute naming of the component has the use of open/close and show/hide at the same time. Unified naming in v5.

// v4<Modal show="{true}" onShow="{...}" onHide="{...}" />
<Drawer show="{true}" onShow="{...}" onHide="{...}" />
<Whisper delayHide="{1000}" delayShow="{1000}" />
// v5
<Modal open="{true}" onOpen="{...}" onClose="{...}" />
<Drawer open="{true}" onOpen="{...}" onClose="{...}" />
<Whisper delayClose="{1000}" delayOpen="{1000}" />

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