11 basic concepts summarized

RSV Support Team
RSV Official Announcement
4 min readDec 6, 2019

01. The return of profits on RSV Solution

Hello, RSV supporters.

As we announced last time, today we will give you more details on the return of profits on RSV solution.

First of all, please note the 11 basic concepts summarized below.

  1. Return of profit is calculated daily.
  2. Return of profits varies depending on the number of coins allocated for each user and the number of consecutive allocation days.
  3. The start date of appropriation and the end date of profit return (appropriation period) differ for each property.
  4. The last day of profit return calculation may change (because the construction and operation status of the property may differ from the original plan).
  5. Participation in real estate investment can be appropriated from 100RSV per property.
  6. Cancellation occurs when the number of coins allocated to each property becomes zero.
  7. If you cancel, you are no more in a position to receive a return of the profit already allocated.
  8. In the preceding paragraph, the refund of the canceled amount will be reassigned to users who have been allocated to the canceled property. The reassignment will be reflected after the next day.
  9. Property profits will be returned with RSV coins based on the price of RSV coins before the redemption date and the percentage calculated within the appropriation period for each user.
  10. Profit return date will be announced after the calculation.
  11. Real estate profits are all returned (100%) to qualified applicants.

Let us take a look at some examples of what kind of calculation logic will actually be adopted.
However, the expected profit of the property used for the calculation is assumed to be different from the actual profit.

The daily profit formula for each user is calculated as follows for each property.

[Basic calculation formula]

p: Return of profit
x: Expected profit
y: Total number of days
z: Number of days of assignee 0 “zero”
a ’: Number of coins allocated by user A
a ’+ b’ + c ’+………: Total number of coins allocated to all users

Let’s see the next example based on this basic formula.

Examples 1

Chart for the Example 1
Chart for the Example 1

[Conditions for Examples 1]
Expected profit: $30000
Start of Allocation period: January 1, 2020
End of the calculation period of profit return: December 31, 2020
Days of the Allocation period (from the Start until the End of the Allocation period): 366 days

The diagram in Example 1 has been applied to three users for different periods.
User A is allocated from the first day.
For this reason, the number of days of appropriation until the last day of the return calculation of profits is longer than that of user B appropriating on January 2 and user C appropriating from January 3.

In addition, the number of coins allocated is the same for three people.
User A is assigned the most return based on the logic that the return of profits varies depending on the number and duration of coins.
And there is no change in the last day of the return calculation of profits.

Let us take a look at the return of profit for User A on January 1st. When applying x (expected profit) in the basic calculation formula to 100%, it is as follows.


Profits are actually determined by the results of hotel management and sale.
However, users should take into account that when they participate in a real estate investment, they need a criterion of “how much yield is expected?”
For this reason, we plan to disclose indicators that will make it easier to consider the expected profits in the operation of RSV solution.

For example, if the profit was $30000, the daily profit allocated to User A would be as follows:


In the figure, as of the end of the profit return calculation, User A is assigned a return of 33.561020%. Since the total share of profit returns for all users allocated during the appropriation period is 100%, it can be said that all return of profits of the property (100%) was implemented.

We will carry out following regarding the profit return of the periods afterwards.

  • Announce the dates of profit return
  • RSV Team exchanges profits of properties into RSV coins via Exchanges
  • Return RSV coins prepared to Users according to the confirmed proportion (%) of the profit return

As mentioned above, as a concrete example, we have explained the calculation logic based on the assumption of the conditions of Example 1. How was it?

From the next time, we will explain more complicated cases such as increasing / decreasing appropriated coins on the way, so please look forward to it.

RSV Customer Support Team.

