Mission update & Roadmap

Rocketswap πŸš€


It’s been an epic journey so far for Rocketswap, and a busy start to the year. Over 60 million TAU has been staked or in liquidity pools which is over 50% of all available main net TAU held within Rocketswap contracts β€” this is an amazing start and we want to thank you all for your trust and support.

Our vision for Rocketswap has always been a community focused and driven market where all Lamden tokens can be exchanged and find their fair market value. This vision helps aligns our resources with the communities needs and wants and helps to set our strategic objectives.

Where do we go from here? Based on feedback, there have been a few repeated requests which we have already started on, or would like to explore in 2021.

Yield Farming

Yield Farming has been a much talked about feature soon to debut on Rockswap. Yield Farming or β€œRocketfarm” will allow liquidity providers to stake their liquidity points to earn additional RSWP.

How much? In the first year of farming it is expected 250,000,000 RSWP will be emitted. Compared to staking TAU, this is a 5 fold increase in rewards! Remember to be part of this you need to add both TAU and RSWP to the liquidity pool.


Development of an API to integrate with CoinGecko.com which provides more visibility and legitimacy to our platform and the tokens associated with it. The API will help both Rocketswap and the Lamden ecosystem as a whole, which has compounding effects β€” more interest, more investors, more developers, more dapps, more FOMO. It also has the added benefit of being able to monitor your sweet gainz on portfolio apps.

Governance Token

The governance token is a very exciting piece of the Rocketswap puzzle and talks directly to our vision. Our intention with the governance token is to provide a voice for our RSWP holders to be able to help guide the direction of Rocketswap through both suggestions and voting rights on those suggestions. Our intention is to stand up basic functionality to enable your suggestions to be recorded and voted on quickly , with future enhancements developed β€” you guessed it, based on your feedback!

Community Engagement

Our objectives highlight our focus on the importance of the Rocketswap community, and the engagement with it. We are also committed to improving communication and keeping the community informed of our progress throughout 2021.

To kick start our objectives we believe we have chosen projects on your behalf that the community have most requested. In 2021 we will establish mechanisms through community governance to enable us to vote as a group on features and the strategic direction of Rocketswap.

A regular Dev update will form part of our community package to keep you up to date with our progress. We will also continue to document new features to ease on-boarding to the platform to attract more users.

New Team Member

We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome Andy Phillips, UX designer and crypto enthusiast, to the team to improve and build on the user experience for Rocketswap. Andy comes with a wealth of experience working for fortune 500 companies with a focus on customer-first design. We are eager to see what he has in store for the platform β€” stay tuned!

Open To Collaborate

We still have spots to fill on the team β€” would you be interested in contributing to the Rocketswap codebase or manning the Twitter account ? We’d love to hear from you !

Come and chat to us in the Rocketswap Telegram, there’s funding there for both these roles !

We look forward to what 2021 brings and we thank you all for your continued trust and support.


Useful Links :

Lamden Discord



Rocketswap πŸš€

Rocketswap, a community driven AMM hosted on the Lamden Blockchain