Blog Post 1: #WOKE

Dana Milani
RTA902 (Social Media)
4 min readFeb 1, 2018

Social media is a double edged sword. It can provide the most toxic people with the ability to spread mass hatred over the web, or even something as simple as a high school rumor. Despite this downfall, social media also has the ability to inspire, create change and reaffirm positivity in this occasionally bleak world. However, I believe one of the most important components to consider when examining the impacts of social media would be the person using it and their genuine intent.

Since Trump’s election in 2016, it seems my social feeds are often filled with Donald Trump related memes or just a plain mockery of his rather laughable Twitter profile. Like many of us, I do occasionally enjoy a few posts of Trump as a Cheeto or the banter regarding his questionable hairstyle choices. However, there comes a point when all of the buzz that surrounds this supposed political leader is frightening. It is due to this realization that I believe that social media does in fact enable demagogues such as Trump to produce such outrageous content.

As a Sport Media student, one of the more notable tweets that encourages me to believe that social media enables demagogues, was Trump’s tweet concerning kneeling in the NFL during the national anthem.

Courtesy of @realDonaldTrump

After countless athletes followed in the footsteps of Colin Kaepernick, a professional football player who protests for the wrongdoings against African Americans, Trump was enraged. Not only was he disturbing a national example of peaceful protest, but this tweet also served to refute the countless cases of police brutality that have more recently occurred within the United States.

It has come to the point that Trump’s social media activity has become an icebreaker amongst people. There is always something related to Donald Trump and his irrational, outlandish and often offensive remarks on Twitter. Social media allows anyone to speak their mind when they want and how they want, with little to no backlash. Through sites like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram, although interactive and entertaining, can be a toxic tool if placed in the wrong hands. This tweet is merely one example of President Donald Trump’s abuse of not only social media, but more importantly his power; by attempting to persuade the otherwise uneducated masses.

Donald Trump also tends to overshare governmental information that should not be publicized over Twitter…

Courtesy of @realDonaldTrump

He has been labelled by many to share too much without saying anything at all; this tweet is a prime example of this. His attempts to flex his nuclear muscles inevitably falls flat; reaffirming his lack of social awareness and sense of confidentiality online.

However, it is also crucial to acknowledge the infinite perks of social media. If used by the right people, this medium has the ability to contribute to a greater, more positive cause. In Oprah Winfrey’s case, the opportunity to spread optimism over social media was made clear through her acceptance speech for the Cecil B. DeMille award at this year’s Golden Globes. Winfrey’s ten minute speech seemed to instantly go viral as it persuaded viewers to believe she was next to run for presidential office. Although no definite response was provided by Oprah, the capabilities of this medium are still brought to light. Oprah Winfrey was able to encourage people to believe in something greater by investing hope in the future during these more recent discouraging times.

Courtesy of Washington Post

As a result of these types of social phenomenas, a media movement began. Soon my timeline was replaced with Oprah related hashtags and inspiring responses to her eloquent speech.

However, one of the more interesting aspects of this comparison between Donald Trump’s use of social media versus Oprah’s, is the amount of searchable content available online. Unlike President Donald Trump, Oprah Winfrey is more reserved on social media and instead shares content that is uplifting to consumers and those around her. Oprah Winfrey seems to be more concerned with the release of quality content over quantity.

An example of this would be the tweet Oprah shared after the devastating mudslide that recently occurred in California.

Courtesy of Oprah Winfrey

This simple example of positivity, shared by someone as influential as Oprah, is a testament to the power of social media, if used correctly. In times of adversity, the belief in a brighter future and the ability to share such optimism can go a long way; it is just a matter of who decides to use these outlets and the content they intend to share.

