Dear 10-year-old-me…

Cassandra De Marco
RTA902 (Social Media)
5 min readApr 5, 2018

Dear 10-year-old-me,

Right now, it’s April 2018 and this August will be your 10th year being on social media. I still remember the day you and your best friend decided to get a Facebook account; it was August 16th, 2008. You were 10 years old and about to start grade five. You don’t know this yet, but on that day in August you will embark on a journey that is filled with plenty of ups and downs.

When you first start using social media you are going to think that you need to post about everything you do. You are going to want to share all your experiences with your online friends, even the smallest things, just because you can. As your older self, I feel the need to let you in on a little secret; just because you don’t post about something, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen, or it doesn’t mean that it didn’t affect you. Your memories will still be with you, even if it isn’t online. My advice to you would be to live in the moment, enjoy your life for what it is at that moment. Don’t let your world revolve around posting things on social media. With that being said, I know you pretty well and I know that, that will be difficult. So, I want to help guide you through the ups and downs of the wonderful world of social media.

Just as you are going to want to post about everything that is happening to you, so will others. Don’t let their posts get you down. At that moment you might be drowning in school work, while someone else is enjoying life on a beach. But don’t worry, just as they were able to catch a break, so will you. Your summers are going to be filled with constant rays of sunshine…but don’t tell anyone I told you that. At one point, your highlight reel is going to make other people wish that they were you, just as you wished you were them. When you do go and look back at your highlight reel, you will remember the happiness you had during that moment and you will be happy you posted about it. But don’t worry too much if at one point your highlight reel isn’t as exciting as someone else.

One thing I know you are going to struggle with is social currency. Try not to focus on how many likes your photo gets. Who cares how many followers you have? I know you’re going to want to post at the most optimal time but try not to. I know that’s easier said than done, but I want you to post because you want to post — not because you want to get more likes. Don’t stress about whether or not someone likes your picture. You’re going to have many struggles come your way, so don’t let the stress of how many likes you get stand in your way from succeeding in other things.

You’re also going to experience a bit — or rather a lot — of FOMO so, listen up younger me…TURN OFF YOUR PHONE WHEN YOU ARE STUDYING. I feel like I need to say that again because you were probably checking your phone. Cassandra, when you are studying TURN OFF YOUR DAMN PHONE…you will thank me later. I know you’re going to want to check Snapchat or Instagram but guess what; the posts are still going to be there when you’re done. Try not to worry about what’s happening on social media when you are doing something else. I know I’ve said this multiple times, but please try to live in the moment. When you’re stressed, turn off your phone. Believe me, it’ll help and you will be glad you did it.

Now I know you probably had a lot of fun reading a letter from your hilarious older self, but now we gotta discuss some serious stuff — online harassment. I want you to avoid this at all costs, so make sure all your accounts are private so no one you don’t know can see your posts. Only allow people you know to follow you, and if someone ever says anything that hurts your feelings even a little bit, tell someone. You’re going to get annoyed at your older sister for constantly going through your text messages and your social medias, but she is only looking out for you, so please, do not argue with her and just let her do it. I also want to make sure you do not harass anyone for anything. I don’t care if you don’t like what someone posts, or you think their weird. Please, do not make fun of them. They posted something because they wanted to share their experience, just like you did. So, remember this rule from kindergarten; if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

I am only telling you all this because I don’t want to add any additional stress to your life for no reason. If you get too caught up in everything around you are going to fall down a slippery slope, that may lead to struggles with mental illness and that is not what I want for you. If by some chance you do experience symptoms of mental illness, there will be people to help you. Know the signs of mental illness so you know what to look for. If you have irregular sleeping patterns, or lost productivity talk to someone. If you ever feel anxious or depressed, talk to someone. If you ever feel you are becoming too addicted, talk to someone. Social media has the ability to cause all of this is you don’t know how to avoid it. Sometimes, even if you do know how to avoid it, it may happen. Do not be afraid to talk to someone, because chances are they have experienced it too. With that being said, you may also find that social media gives you a place to escape all this as well. I told you that this journey was going to be filled with lots of ups and downs, but I know you can handle it. Stay strong and if you ever have to disconnect yourself, do it!

Alright so enough with the heavy. At the end of the day, you’re growing up in an era where social media is everywhere, so embrace it. Use it to your advantage but please listen to what I told you. I promise you will be thankful that you did. Social media is awesome and it can be really fun to use. You are clearly heading in a direction that is essentially dictated by social media. That is okay, so try to roll with it. If it ever gets too much for you, talk to someone. Just as you may experience some hardships, so have others and they will know how to help you. If you follow what I told you, I think you can learn to love every part of what social media has to offer. Maybe you will love it so much that you will major in a program that revolves around social media and sport…but who knows ;)

Love always,

20-year-old Cassandra ❤

