Filters are for Photos, not Feelings
Hey you,
yes, you with the pink headband.
You don’t know this yet, but in about one year you are going to join your first social media platform, FaceBook. Unlike other kids your age, you missed the whole “msn” messenger trend and was just a little too young to get on the myspace train. This is completely new territory. Little do you know, this is going to start a whole new world for you. your new playground isn’t going to have primary colours, and slides- it’s going to be blue, white, and create a lot more bruises than any trip on the asphalt.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty cool! Because now you get to take all of your friends home every single day. The jokes and the banter don’t have to stop when you make your way home from middle school. But you know, it’s going to redefine what friendship is… suddenly you’re going to find yourself gaining a little social anxiety. you’ll find It’s easier to hide behind a screen and chat, then actually speak in person. I hate to say it, but you’ll start believing those people you chat with after class wouldn’t like you as much in person- so you won’t talk to them at school. You’ll have a division of “online friends” and “in person” friends.
It’s funny. Because looks don’t matter much now- but suddenly your profile picture will be an overriding thought in your mind. You’ll spend hours taking new pictures, deleting “ugly” ones people tagged you in. you’ll learn how to edit, remove blemishes, whiten teeth, then wait patiently for the likes to roll in.
Its hard, because when the likes don’t match up to your friends it will be quantifiable “proof” (to you at least) that you are not as attractive as the other girls you know. It’s not just a guess, or a voice whispering in your mind. You see it right there on the page.
So you’ll try to be funny. or interesting. Post “relatable” and “likable” content. These “funny” posts will haunt you in later years (What’s cool in 2011 is not the same a few years later)
Actually, a lot of your status’s will be pretty bad. Keep trying though. because eventually you will learn how to be yourself (and stop oversharing).
You won’t understand that being awkward, and socially inept is a massive part of growing up. I’m sorry that you have to figure that out on such a public platform. I’m also sorry that you’ll make status’s like this. because- why?
It’s strange because there will be an emphasis on documenting every moment you spend with other people. You lived the phrase “pic or it didn’t happen”. A part of you will be more excited that you get to show other people that you did “this cool thing” or hung out with “this cool person” than actually doing it.
but, as much as I do wish you lived in a moment a little more, I am truly happy that I get to look back and laugh, but also be proud of what we have become! Its pretty amazing to have an evolution of our life at our fingertips.
But if I really could tell you a few things before you start this journey, I’d say this:
1. nobody cares as much as you think they do. It might feel like people are going to forget you if you’re not online- but the impressions you make on people will be because of real, human interaction
2. nobody is who they say they are online. it’s just an aspect of their personality. which is fine, but know it’s not the whole story.
3. social media is not the enemy- but it’s not totally your friend either. its ok to post pictures you think are beautiful, or share awesome memories, but make sure to check in with yourself once in a while. Ask the question “how is social media making me feel?”. And if the answer is negative, find someone to talk too. Its never good to keep bad emotions bottled inside.
It’s not easy to grow up in front of everyone, without any real knowledge of the dangers of social media. And as strong as you are, you are not immune to being sucked into the dark side- but its ok. be honest. Remember- filters are for photos, not feelings.