Kermit the Frog: From Muppets to Memes

Vivian Phung
RTA902 (Social Media)
4 min readFeb 3, 2017


Memes have been around for as long as I can remember and nobody really questioned their existence. They were widely accepted due to their light-hearted nature, circulating at a global level through mediums such as Twitter and Tumblr. Many memes have come and go, but a select few have stuck with a majority of these users.

For example, Kermit the Frog has been a reoccurring meme over several years. How did the well-known muppet character become a universal meme? Kermit was mainly known for his role in the popular television series, Sesame Street, introduced in 1955. However, it wasn’t until recently that he started gaining popularity amongst a specific group of people. Avid users of social media would have encountered one of the few memes he was featured in, such as:

“But that’s none of my business…”

This is a screenshot from a Lipton Tea commercial released in 2014. There have been many interpretations of this meme, catering to different every day problems. This screenshot is usually attached to more controversial statements and is still relevant today. People have begun to incorporate this into their text messages with the help of emojis, assuming that their friends will understand. There’s no doubt that this has made a lasting impact on our generation. Although there is no exact reason as to why this particular still from the advertisement became so popular, it didn’t end there. People began to extract scenes from the show, including this one:

Kermit going off!!

The phrase, “a picture is worth a thousand words” has never rang truer. Well, in this case, a gif is worth a thousand words. People have used this gif whenever they had to rant or argue with someone. The reason individuals use this specific gif to express themselves is because it requires less effort to make a statement — his furious typing says it all.

However, the question still remains: why did these memes blow up? Why Kermit and not any other character from this television series? What makes him so relatable and funny? The answer is subjective, but I believe it began due to his already developed fame, which ignited nostalgic feelings for many. Overall, I think the underlying reason for any meme to go viral is the fact that it can be used to describe how we feel in a more exaggerated, and humorous way.

The most recent addition to this meme is shown below:

Me to me: do your blog posts earlier.

This is meant to represent your dark side coming through to encourage inappropriate actions. It can also be considered as a modern day visual representation of Sigmund Freud’s “id”, which is the source of our desires and impulsive behaviour. There is a reoccurring theme behind the collection of Kermit the Frog memes, and generally memes as a whole, which is the ability to relate to one’s personal experience. People’s reactions are the fuel to this fire by keeping it alive.

Due to the continuous growth of this meme, people in the online community have decided to make their own contributions by recreating his character and exploiting them through different mediums. This includes YouTube videos of voice impersonations, and has even branched out to arts and crafts.

(Sad Kermit the Frog memes are my life)

This rendition of the meme has also made its appearance on people’s timelines, even though it was not taken directly from the show. Since there are many memes associated with this character, each development is an extension of the previous ones, which contributes to the overall humour factor.

The fact that this character, or any character for that matter, can be easily manipulated by the public is what has kept the meme culture alive. This plays a large role in keeping certain memes relevant, while also elevating the previous adaptation(s). The entire meme culture unifies people with the same sense of humour and wouldn’t be possible without this freedom.

Although the answer as to why this became popular is still a mystery, I sincerely hope these memes don’t come to an end anytime soon.

