Victoria Craig
RTA902 (Social Media)
2 min readMar 4, 2017


Legendary YouTuber “Pewdiepie”: Why he’s so successful.

Most people who watch YouTube know or have heard of famous YouTuber Pewdiepie. He is a comedy personality that creates funny gaming videos along with comical interpretations about things going on around the world. The interesting thing about Pewdiepie is his reach on social media. Although he is technically a “gaming” channel, Pewdiepie is able to get attention from different types of people including non-gamers from all over the world. I can vouch for this as I am someone who has not played a video game in my life and I will often be in tears from laughing after watching his content. He has mastered the idea of being “generic” funny and more importantly has figured out a way to stay authentic and honest throughout his entire experience as a famous YouTuber.

It is so hard these days to be an influencer without caving to the pressures of the media to be and act a certain way. Pewdiepie has been successful in ignoring these influences and even as the most followed channel on YouTube has found ways to stay relevant without sacrificing his authenticity. He says what he thinks/believes without giving a damn about what anyone will say/do. He is inspirational in this way as he inspires young and upcoming influencers and content creators to stay true to themselves regardless of the circumstances.

This past year has marked a crucial year for Pewdiepie as he was vocal about how important it was that he stay authentic in his craft. He knew that this would cause issues with the media and had the possibility of ultimately affecting the traffic on his YouTube channel. Pewdiepie didn’t care, he did it anyway. Sure enough his channel did suffer. He lost subscribers and impression but it didn’t matter. He chose to ignore the negativity and continue to value his authenticity anyway and people noticed that. From his stunt he actually ended up with more subscribers, and this time from all different types of people. His authenticity was honest and raw and drew people who values these things to his channel. It goes to show that being true to yourself is and will always be the most effective and positive way to gain real success.

