Message To Mini Michael

Michael Hall
RTA902 (Social Media)
3 min readApr 5, 2018

Hey lil’ dude,

These past couple of years on social media have been very bittersweet. The good news is that there are a lot better platforms than just Facebook, such as Instagram and Twitter. Instagram is solely for posting pictures and Twitter is soley for posting statuses. I know that probably sounds like that’s a lot worse because you can do both of those things on Facebook, but it’s nice to have a place where these features are more focused. The bad news is that Facebook came out with something called ‘Facebook Memories’ a couple years back, so now I have to re-experience all of the cringe worthy things you’ve been saying since 2008. The world doesn’t need to know that you’re “Loving candy and hating new Facebook” or that you’re “Watching yo mamma (the show)”. The only decent status you’ve made was “Well never give up”, but even that has a pretty obvious grammar mistake.

My Post From 2008 — Image Source: Facebook

For the past few years, I’ve been trying to avoid posting boring life updates as much as possible. One thing I noticed from scrolling through my own news feed is that I don’t respond as much to peoples small life updates because they are completely irrelevant to me. I may toss them a like, but unless it’s a big life update or something I find hilarious, it just doesn’t interest me as much. That’s why I started focusing all of my posts to things I think people would find funny. This doesn’t mean posting things that are just funny to you, but posting things that would get somebody else laughing too. If you were to scroll through my Twitter feed right now, you would see nothing but original jokes with the exception of maybe three retweets (Sharing on Twitter). Since then I’ve gotten a lot of positive responses, and for a while I was known as the guy with the good Twitter account

Tweet From Last Year — Image Source: Twitter

But I warn you, don’t get too excited about the likes you get! The need for likes can turn into an addiction which is something you really don’t want. I know some people who will delete a photo off Instagram if it doesn’t get as many likes as they wanted. Now I’m not at that level yet, but the fact that I can understand why someone would do that probably isn’t a great sign. If I get under 100 likes on an Instagram post, I always ask myself questions like “What’s wrong with this picture?” or “Was my caption not funny enough?” Social media can be really fun at times, but you gotta look out for your mental health as well. I often lose sleep over social media because I always spend so much time scrolling through it before bed. There’s not really any purpose for it, but that’s all part of the addiction. My advise would be to develop other hobbies that don’t involve you sitting around all day. I know you’re pretty good at adventuring outside and staying active, but I would recommend doing that even more.The more time you spend in the real world, the less time you spend being absorbed in a fictional world filled with lies and deceit.

The Great Outdoors — Image Source: Outdoor Coalition

