The Cheeto we know as Donald Trump

Emily Kananoja
RTA902 (Social Media)


Now I am not one to talk about politics, nor should I be writing about it. I’ve never quite understood the whole political scene and didn’t have any desire to learn about it until I turned 18 and could start voting. But even now with a couple years under my belt, my knowledge of politics is still very slim. So please bare with me as you read through my rant of the Cheeto we know as Donald Trump, for I am just a woman saying it as I see it.

Where do I start?

Well, what’s going on in the US right now is simply terrifying. There’s that. I mean, they’re living in a world where their leader is sends out tweets like it’s the only form of communication and there really isn’t much anyone can do about it…

I do not follow Donald J. Trump’s Twitter account and odds are I will never follow it. But, every now and again one of his utterly appalling tweets will pop up my timeline and I will read it, roll my eyes, then continue scrolling. Like this tweet…

But tell me, how are his tweets popping up on unsuspecting users like myself?

I believe it is because people continue to retweet and favourite his messages for the sake of entertainment. But you see, all this is doing is widening his platform and social media hierarchy, and increasing the power he shouldn’t have in the first place.

Being from Canada, most people I follow are Canadians and I think simply retweet him as a way of saying “look at how dumb this guy is” or “can you believe what’s going on in the States?” But here’s the thing people, we can’t hit the retweet, favourite, or follow buttons without thinking that it’ll just encourage him to keep posting obnoxious, potentially life changing tweets. By encouraging him in this form we are simply sending the message of, “hey keep doing this we support you.”

Why do 32k people support this?

Demagogues like Donald Trump strive under this false empowerment from the media. While we may see it as making fun of him, he see’s it as a way to bring more attention to himself and grow his fanbase (which frankly, is already WAY too big!).

Side note — Could just be me, but every time I hear the word demagogue all I can think of is demogorgon’s from Stranger Things, which Donald Trump also seemingly fits the description of.

In regards to Donald Trump’s presidential election run, it is clear that he used social media to his advantage by drawing in voters with his radical ideas and his informal way of running. His ways of “shutting down reasoned deliberation” over Twitter was admired and enabled by a variety of groups in the United States.

But how do reconcilers like Oprah Winfrey get their point across on social media to the same extent as power hungry enforcers like Donald Trump? Let’s begin with re-watching her 2018 Golden Globes speech that began this whole notion of “Oprah 2020”…

Oprah is undoubtedly one of the most famous personalities in the world and has been for over 30 years. She continues to inspire a world of change and advocates for a better tomorrow. Basically, Oprah Winfrey is the complete opposite of Donald Trump.

But, would Oprah Winfrey make a good president? I believe that she would and I would love to live in a world where the leader of the free world is a black woman, but I also believe that running for election in 2020 was never her plan. Like many other knowledgable human beings, I would assume that Oprah will leave the government for politicians who have dedicated their lives to learning the foundations of governance.

If she did run though, I believe Oprah would have a fair chance at winning. If you scroll through her Twitter feed, you will see her both relating to pop culture, such as in the tweet below…

And expressing her views, while advocating for important worldly campaigns such as #TimesUp…

Oprah uses her Twitter for the good of society while connecting to different generations and demographics, unlike Donald Trump. If Oprah 2020 becomes a reality in the near future, I believe she will be successful in using Twitter as a medium to output her thoughts and views. She may not use it to the same degree that Donald Trump has, but when she does, the base meaning behind it will be 100% more effective than any of his tweets ever have been. While she is just 5.9M followers behind Mr. Trump, Oprah will be able to target a larger population as she has drawn ties with many of her projects and work, including the new Disney movie “A Wrinkle in Time” which I am personally VERY excited for.

I believe that Oprah Winfrey could effectively use social media to reconcile the United States government. She uses social media for the good of society to encourage change and speak out against the injustice going on around the world. She is an inspiration to many and continues to be a force to be reckoned with even after all these years.

As I mentioned at the start, I am not one to talk about politics. But as I see it, at this point I may be slightly more qualified to talk about the government than Donald Trump, the leader of the free world.

