A Powerful Instagram: Tatted Strength

Will Barker
RTA902 (Social Media)
4 min readMar 10, 2017

There are only really two things you need to know about Chris Luera, and he’s made them perfectly clear in his Instagram handle: he’s got a lot of tattoos, and a hell of a lot of strength.

I first found out about Chris, AKA Tatted Strength, about two years ago when I became engrossed in the street workout/calisthenics fitness culture. Rather than lift weights to build muscle, the point of street workout is to lift yourself — usually on a pull-up bar — and do a variety of gymnastics-based tricks. Its a fitness phenomenon that has spread across the globe, being especially popular in Russia, Eastern Europe, and the U.S. As someone who is passionate about fitness, I fell in love with it immediately. Not only do these types of workouts put you on the path towards developing incredible functional strength, they make you look absolutely badass at the same time.

Yeah, I think so.

Chris is a prominent figure in the global street-workout community; he’s a three time middle weight Battle of the Bars champion and is certified as a World Calisthenics Organization Master Trainer. Based out of Muscle Beach in Venice, California, Chris is well known for frequently defying the laws of gravity and captivating passerby on the sunny boardwalks.

He’s got a solid 137,000 followers on his Instagram, a Facebook page with 19,000 likes, and a whopping 859 subscribers on his YouTube channel. Like most other well-known fitness enthusiasts on the internet nowadays, Chris’ claim to fame is primarily on Instagram. He’s playing the same 4-step game along with many others (such as Marcus Bondi, Jen Selter, and Kenneth Gallarzo):

  1. Get someone to record your workouts
  2. Show off your insane physique/tricks
  3. Plug your training program and/or fitness sponsors
  4. Profit off of getting swole

It’s the basic equation for making money as any type of influencer on Instagram/social media. What makes Chris stand out in my eyes however, is how he markets himself. Upon first glance, he kinda comes off as a scary dude.

Did I leave the stove on…?

The tattoos, the beard, the affinity for wearing steel chains… I certainly wouldn’t want to knock a protein shake out of his hand by accident. While a majority of fitness influencers position themselves in the spheres of health and wellness, Chris really seems to put the street in street workout. It’s sad but true, and especially true on social media, that it’s easier now more than ever to judge a book by its cover. That’s pretty much the whole point of social media, actually — you’re the one hand-designing the cover yourself. Whether you keep things professional, emphasize your sexuality, or have the humility and self-acceptance to share silly photos of yourself, you’re making a conscious choice to the world on how you want to be seen. You’re marketing yourself, plain and simple, and whether it’s authentic or not can be a totally different story. Chris’ look certainly has a tough, intense, beastly vibe. Considering the main demographic that street workout appeals to — fitness-focused males typically between the ages of 18–30 — the Tatted Strength persona is very appealing. His tough, thuggish look is also 100% authentic; did I mention that he used to be addicted to crystal meth?

A short synopsis of Chris’ story.

Chris has had a hard life, and his story really is inspiring. After being involved with drugs, gang violence, and even going to prison, he decided that for the sake of his family and himself he would turn his life around. He started hitting the gym to get back into healthy shape, and when he saw a couple of bros doing some freestyle calisthenics on the bars, Tatted Strength was born. Since then, he’s been walking along the path of righteousness. He’s an advocate for healthy living and exercise, and he gives back to the community around Venice Beach/Santa Monica by helping people of all sorts to get involved with calisthenic fitness. By leveraging his platform on Instagram, Chris encourages fans all around the world to take control of their lives and find liberation through personal fitness. He’s never backed down from telling his story.

A real softie (strictly on the inside though).

As we were taught in the first lecture, social media is the place where you can share your story with the world. Chris’ Instagram definitely achieves that purpose. You come for the tricks and end up staying after you get to know the man behind all those tattoos. Since he turned things around and found his life’s passion, he’s been able to share it with folks all around the world. I for one continue to be inspired by his physical and mental fortitude every time I check my feed.

Me screwing around on the bars in Venice Beach, California.

What’s your opinion on Chris’ tough guy marketing? How badass is street workout? Who’s your Instagram inspiration? Let me know in the comments below!

